Digital Reads Reviews

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I was tagged by Heidi to complete the 3-Day Quote Challenge. Thank you for tagging me, I did have fun searching for quotes, thinking about what applies to me and then selecting one. Check out Heidi’s blog which is pure fun.


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for three consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  • Share why this quote appeals so much to you.
  • Nominate 3 different bloggers for each day

Day3: Quote3

Reasons for liking this quote

This quote reminded me of the friendships that I have cultivated on WordPress. Each one of you has enhanced my life and made it beautiful. You guys made me laugh, cry (happy tears), and have fun.

Some of you allowed me to tease you, flirt with you, and share with you. With some, my friendship went beyond blogisphere to twitterisphere (new word). Our friendship needs no words, it is just there, within my reach, when life gets too difficult.

This quote is dedicated to friendship

My nominees

129 Responses

  1. I LOVE this quote!!! And all of my readers are going to LOVE that you nominated me for this!! EVERYONE, WHE YOU SEE THIS AFTER I LINK TO MY BLOG, IT’S ALL SHALINI’S FAULT!!! 😂😂

    1. Nicole you make my life happy, you make me smile, you make me grin and sometimes I am seen laughing for no reason. That’s also on you. The quotes of the DEVILESS would be fun to read!! Go on girl, link me up. We are twice married hahaha

        1. Hahaha oh yea, didn’t think of that. I give you the choice, my darling… Free or bind…
          I should be worried the DEVILESS can take many forms

          1. Kiss the DEVILESS, and the soul is lost
            Do I want the life where the goal is lost
            Take your name and my memories are lost
            Bind to you and sanity is lost

            Hahahaha howzzat???
            Some days I can write.
            The main question is do I want to be insane like you?

          2. Cool… Say it all the time… My creativity on your site… Girl we are truly WP married hahahaha

    1. Would you like to do this tag? I couldn’t find your name. I just did, Vivian. Haha I am bad with names or searching for one on WP

      1. Vivian is one of my pseudonyms, I’ve changed it to Arden now 😛 I wonder if that make me look like I have identity issues…😂 I’m up for it! It’ll be a first for me, thanks!

    1. Kurian that is so sweet of you. Write your thoughts. You are a writer. Gimme some time, I will put up a post there.

          1. Oh my Shalini, you’re so kind. I am just on top of the world.
            And you know what! Let me ride that

          2. Ride the clouds which inspires you
            Write the words which inspires us
            No matter when or what you do
            We are all there, the floor belongs to you

          3. Wow Shalini 💓 you are not allowing me to touch the ground.
            What a day, thank you for making mine

          4. I know, but Kurian. Just have fun with this tag. Thank me, link my blog, add rules add quote give reason for quote, and nominate 3 people

          1. On phone go to the the wp logo, the entire settings come, there is a category ‘comments’click on that and the sub categories fall down one of them is bin and other spam check that spam folder

          2. That is fine. On the phone where you write the new blog, there has comments section along with settings and statistics. Check there. Don’t worry, I too don’t know all features

          3. Similarly too on the computer. Where you write a blog and set your theme, that has a comments category click that, the drop down would reveal spam folder

          1. Hahaha good luck. I am pretty sure you can. Use your experiences in life and blog. I am making it so tough for you. Please you can Google. Just have fun

    1. Awww… Thank you I had read it a long time ago when I read Helen Keller’s story and then I found it when I went searching on Google for a quote which strikes a chord in my heart

  2. Thank you Shalini for tagging me..
    Your quote speaks of feelings more than expression..
    Unbelievable how we can make so many friends on wordpress who are united by thought and preferences rather than time spent..

    1. That is the beauty of this blogging world. We are all connected by words and pictures. Enjoy, revel, have a blast.
      A small world are we
      A beautiful world are we
      Connect us in our world
      Let us into your world..
      It matters not, words or pics
      It matters not, books or flicks
      All we want is to connect with you
      All we want is to know you

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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