
Get to know the remarkable woman behind this website

Hi, I am Shalini





Know the remarkable woman behind this website today. Me. Shalini.

The name Shalini comes from Shaleen in Sanskrit, which means well-mannered and talented and sensible. I hope I am all that and more. Kindness and empathy are very important to me. And above all, books. 

I am passionate about BOOKS and all things bookish. Not only am I a voracious reader but also I beta read and edit them. I generally read anywhere between 150 – 200 books in all genres every year. I usually set My Goodreads challenge along those numbers every year. 

Get to know the remarkable woman

My life in books

After working for a few years in the medical field, life happened, and I switched to my first love and passion in life. BOOKS and how to make every book a bestseller. 

As an author-in-progress, I understand the challenges that come with getting the best version of your book into the literary world.

That’s why I am dedicated to helping authors achieve success through beta reading and editing. In addition, I provide PA services along with effective digital marketing of your books. As a result, you get your initial reviews, and even more important you secure your street team of ARC readers ready for your next book.

Beta Reading and Marketing

One of my specialties is getting your book at par with the level of a bestseller so that you can start querying or get it published as soon as possible.

With my experience in beta reading and editing and book marketing, I know what it takes to polish your book so that it not only engages your audience but also improves your sales through initial reviews.

After all, the first 100 reviews break the algorithm and thereby compel the retail site to feature your books in their newsletter. That, in truth, boosts your sales. 

So, whether you’re just starting out in your writing journey or marketing your existing books, I am here to help you get your books noticed.

But wait up. There’s more…

Book Tours

News Letter

Book Graphics

In fact, as your PA, I can help you with any or all of them so that more readers talk about your books and spread the word across. 

Social media is now a powerful platform to increase sales of your books. However, it can be time-consuming to manage and optimize all the accounts on your own. That’s where I come in! I can help you contact readers in order to get reviews and ensure maximum exposure for your books.

Newsletters are also important, and you have to send them at least once a month. In fact, they form an important part of email marketing. I can help you write effective newsletters so that your readers get to know you and support you in your literary journey. 

I understand the challenges that come with juggling work and family life, and I am committed to helping you achieve success and fulfill your book goals.

To conclude…

Some fun facts about me

FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH: My home. My car. I love everything about my car and am most at peace while I am driving alone.

CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT:  My family. I love playing with my niece especially

FAVORITE FOOD: I am not a foodie, but I love everything my sister prepares.

I AM ADDICTED TO: My gadgets, especially my MacBook Pro laptop

MY PERFECT DAY: Reading books while snuggled in my couch under my blanket, with a cup of coffee.

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