Digital Reads Reviews

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I liked how the blurb gave me a hint of the mystery set in a family life. The day her husband left was the worst day of Heidi’s life where she was completely numb. In pain. But his phone had left her a clue. Now it was up to her to decipher it. She did go to that place and saw something which left her shocked. She had to find her way through the secret of her marriage.

I loved reading this story where a family seeped in grief at the loss of the husband and father made the three women slowly come back to the land of living, especially wife Heidi. Every step of her fight for survival and her need to come out of her sadness made me cheer for her. She was inspiring in her own way. The author casted her in loving colors with different shades of life.

I love family saga with secrets. It may vie with my love for thrillers, but dammit… both have a place in my heart. This was all about love and relationships and the secrets that we all have in our lives, hidden away, never to be remembered. I was captivated by the prose and being the weekend, I needed an interesting but softer read. I shed a few tears when Heidi and her daughters cried. But I laughed with them too.

Sometimes in the prose, Heidi made not so wonderful decisions and felt to be too insecure. That grated on me. Nevertheless, filled with emotions, the story had the three generations of women with Heidi’s mom giving her practical yet often stubborn, narrowed viewpoint.

I loved spending my morning with this family as they opened up their lives and allowed me to peek in. Quite entertaining.


Rating: 4 out of 5.





The picture holds all the answers. But can she piece together the clues?

At the moment he knows he is dying, Johnny Eagle takes a photograph, which is later discovered by his heartbroken wife, Heidi. Heidi pores over the image and sees a busy street scene and a pavement full of strangers – she has no idea what this last message from her beloved husband could mean.

Heidi has spent her days – and her years – giving cherished old furniture a second chance. But there are some parts of Heidi’s own life she believes are beyond repair. Secrets that Heidi and Johnny kept throughout their long marriage. Things that they were never brave enough to speak about, not even to each other.

All Heidi knows now is that this picture of her husband’s final moments is where she has to start looking for clues, and when she visits the busy street from the photograph, Heidi finally comes face to face with the person she’s been waiting to meet her entire life. But are they ready to meet her?


Publication Date: January 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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