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I am still talking…err grilling Author Steve Moretti

Digital Reads Blog Tours presents Steve Moretti

1. Your most difficult scene to write in the book?

Hmm, good question! There are quite a few that got re-written based on comments from early readers. Most didn’t like Adeena’s present-day boyfriend Philippe in early drafts. I made quite a few changes so by the end of my fourth draft, my editor was very sympathetic towards him (and even felt sorry about his situation).

But to answer your question, the scene where Adeena first plays the lost score on the Duncan Cello and goes back in time for the first time, was very challenging. I got quite a bit of feedback on this scene and it helped me to try and describe what this might be like. I hope it works for the reader as I have written it now. Obviously it is complete fantasy to go through something like this and end up in another person’s body who lived 270 years earlier and to be both completely bewildered and totally fulfilled at the same time

2. Authenticity, if the prose goes back into times we have only heard of – how difficult was it?

I struggled with this, as I realized that to make the prose completely authentic would make it almost impossible to read. I hired a researcher who dug up tons of old letters and journals, and for the most part I used much of the vocabulary and tone of those letters in the journal entries of the Captain, Sir James Carnegie.

As to the dialogue, I tried to keep it simpler, using English words that would have been common in those days. I added some Scottish dialect, but decided against using too much. When my main character Adeena goes back in time, she actually become a character in the past, Katharine Carnegie, who speaks with a Scottish accent, which is why no one in past realizes they are interacting with someone from the future.

3. The ending kept me longing for more. How many books are there in this series and have you started writing the next one? When do you plan to publish the next one?

There is a short prequel (4 chapters) that is free on my website ( It gives more background on Katharine and Adeena, and their musical connection. It also gives us a context for the story of the Jacobite risings in Scotland in the 18th Century.

I am actively working on Book II of the series for publication early in 2019. I think that will end the series, but you never know!

Also, you should know that I am working with a talented voice actor, Bethany Mason, on an audio version of Book I, which should be out in the Fall.

4. How was your journey from thought to word to publishing?

Originally I wanted to write ascreenplay, and did an extensive outline with for the story. But there were too many different plot lines, and no easy way to tie things together in a 120-page screenplay. My mother actually suggested I consider writing a novel, and I took up the challenge in 2014 and had most of the book written within a year.

I thought it would be one long book (maybe 160,000 words). But after passing the 100k word mark and realizing I had a long way to go to get to the end of the story, I decided to break it up. I sold my software business in 2016 and was very busy after that but didn’t think I was ready to publish. A writer friend, Kathi Nidd, asked me what was holding me back from publishing and I realized that she was probably right. It was only my fear! I had to tidy It up and put out into the world, regardless of whether anyone would like it or not.

With self-publishing today, it is certainly possible to do everything yourself. And having a great group behind you to give you feedback and keep pushing you really helped. I did critique swaps with a fantastic group of writers including Lara Cloudon and Sarah Penner who were fantastic. I also get early encouragement from Hanna Lawrence in Edinburgh, who gave me insights and challenges to consider.In the end it was mostly a matter of deciding that I was ready to take the next step to publishing and sharing the story for readers who might be interested.

5. Are you interested in music? Do you play any instrument? And what is your favorite song?

I love music, but sadly don’t play an instrument. I love everything from classical to punk rock and love to see musical performance in most genre’s. Hard to pick one favourite song, but it would likely be ‘Penelope’s Song’ by Loreena McKennitt if I could only pick one.

The finishing part of the interview would be posted tomorrow… Stay tuned

Yes, I know I ask too many questions. I never knew I was that curious… Well, discovering me!!

The Blog Tour can be checked here

Digital Reads Blog Tours

17 Responses

  1. great ongoing interview, shalini, speaking of where in the world do you get the time? and no, i can’t play anything either, but for years played AT teaching myself to play piano. you know what they say about being your own teacher? (or is that your own lawyer? pretty much the same thing tho.) 😆

    1. Hahaha I know nothing either, I don’t see TV or movies or Netflix or listen to music. I work and read… Yp pretty much it!! Been called boring, took it as a compliment 😂😂😂😂

  2. More great questions and responses from Steve Moretti. I feel that i must get to this book, sooner rather than later. You do great interviews Shalini.

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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