Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This was a fun book to read. Though it was labeled under a cozy genre, I found the story to be solid without it being too cutesy. My first book by author Julie Mulhern, though 8th in the series, had me wanting to get to the bottom of the mystery ASAP.

Ellison, the main character, with a tendency to find dead bodies, drops into her stockbroker’s office only to discover him dead hours ago with his pants down. Her cop boyfriend Anarchy, is then called and the investigation proceeds, with Ellison’s help in providing inside information about the other characters.

I loved the way the main character was depicted, strong, intelligent, addicted to coffee, with a daughter and a dead philandering husband. Ellison felt real to me, a complete character with many loving relationships with friends and family, always ready to help with a keen eye for observation, and somehow the right information does reach her. Anarchy made a compatible duo with her.

The other characters mom, dad, sudden entry of step sister Karma, friends and associates, book group, nasty ex lover of her dead husband all added to the flavor of the mystery. The story progressed with a good pace with the right amount of emotions. The plot lines seemed to be well weaved by the end of the book. The only niggle I had was there were too many characters and paramours. I got confused by the end and I felt the story was a wee bit long.

A book set in the mid 1970s had me enjoying it far more than I expected. The author’s writing was clean, clear creating an atmosphere that was needed for this book. I loved the landlines going brng brng

I received a DRC from Edelweiss and publisher Henery Press, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4 stars

About the Author

Julie Mulhern, the USA Today bestselling author of the Country Club Murders series, is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. In addition to mysteries, Julie writes historical, romantic suspense. Her first romance, A Haunting Desire, was a 2014 Golden Heart finalist.

Book blurb

All Ellison Russell wanted was an update on her stock portfolio. Instead, she found her broker dead.

With an unexpected out-of-town guest at her house, Ellison is too busy for a murder investigation. Only this time, Detective Anarchy Jones wants her help, and she can’t deny the handsome detective. Can Mr. Coffee supply her with enough caffeine to keep her brain sharp and everyone else happy?

Juggling bodies (one, two, three, four), two-faced friends, her social calendar, and a cat (yes, a cat) is taxing but Mother might be the biggest challenge of all.

With a killer drawing closer, can Ellison put together the pieces or will she be the one getting stabbed in the back?

Product Details

Publication date : 23rd October, 2018

Publisher : Henery Press

46 Responses

  1. You hit on different things. I can remember when Mr Coffee was release. It was the first coffee machine. I like the story very much. I have the all the books.

    1. Wow… I don’t know what is Mr Coffee. My country doesn’t have it. We have instant and filter coffee where we percolate the grounds..

      1. We have all these machine that make coffee. Until Mr Coffee came out you made coffee on the stove. Everyone want one even myself who doesn’t drink coffee. Now you seldom see the machine. The telephone brng bring was the first time that was use in the story. The Books bring back a lot of memories.

  2. Ah, the 70’s … The knee boots, the Beatles, Elvis! I would kill to return to that time. Well, it’s a matter of speech. I do not drink coffee, but a good mystery book and a cup of tea always = pleasant moments.

  3. I believe the United States is now closing in on having more machines by which to make coffee than coffee brands themselves. Slight exaggeration. I find ULIVJava to be a rather tasty brand.

  4. Another wonderful review! Not necessarily a book I would read, but nonetheless I really enjoyed reading your post for it!
    How are you feeling? A bit better I hope? 😊

  5. This one sounds reallu interesting, Shalini. I like the sound of the mystery and the time period. Sorry to hear about the confusion stemming from the many characters though. Great review!

    1. Interesting times. I know when phones went brng brng… Bought one for home, was made to give it back… Hehehe everyone wanted cordless Sighhh

  6. Hi Shalini. Excellent review of this one. I had an opportunity to read this but wasn’t sure if I wanted to start so far into the series. Your review makes me think it would be fine. Although, too many characters drives me nuts! And too many paramours reminds me of the book I read recently that I hated because of all the lovers. 🙄 But if you gave it 4 stars I’d say it’s worth a try.

    How are you feeling? I’ve been suffering with headaches the last few days, and a couple of other nuisance things. The headaches stopped me from doing anything. So frustrating. I hope you’ve had some relief. 💕

    1. Aaghhh I am going through tests but no diagnosis. Fed up of it all. So taking a break from everything till next week. No docs, no tests. Complete break❤️
      This was a good read, not very cozy but good investigation

      1. I’ve been putting off seeing doctors about my headaches but they’re really getting to me so I’ll probably seek medical attention soon because I’m tired of suffering. My thoughts are with you, Shalini. 💖

        1. Oh I understand that so much. It may be due to your meds. Laurie, I am on new meds and I have headache blurred vision. Docs refuse to believe me. So I am taking a break from it all and just waiting for the course to be completed. I am a doc and they don’t believe me 😓
          Hope you get better soon. I will pray for you 😘😘♥️♥️

          1. Hi, Shalini. Sorry I’ve taken so long to respond. I’ve got another health issue that’s got me down. 😔 I’m a little worried because of my symptoms, but I’m trying to hold it together.
            I’m not taking any new meds. I will be on the diagnosis road going forward now which I’m NOT looking forward to.
            I know what you mean about doctors not believing you. You’re not alone on that one. I’ve experienced it and that’s why I’m reluctant to go down this road. I can’t understand why they wouldn’t believe you if you’re a doctor. 😤 What kind of doctor are you, Shalini? If you don’t mind my asking. It’s all so stressful and it’s not fun when you’re not feeling well. I’m so sorry, Shalini. I will be thinking about you and praying for you too. 🤗🤗💕😘😘

          2. Laurie, I am an anesthesiologist but each doc has a good amount of ego. I am probably the same. But I believe I am open to holistic healing also. Please let me know how I can contact and talk with you or chat with you. I am extremely worried. Don’t worry about me. I am okay. Please let me know how I can be there for you, even if I am listening to you

          3. That’s cool Shalini!! 😃 I have so much respect for anesthesiologists.
            Shalini, can you see my Contact Me information on my wordpress site? My email address should be there.

  7. Wonderful review Shalini. I love this series, but have not read this one yet. It has been great to see the growth of Ellison throughout this series. What a hoot that you don’t know about Mr. Coffee. I guess we often just assume we are all of the same understanding.

    1. Hahaha no we don’t have Mr Coffee here. We were basically tea drinkers in the northern part of the country and coffee in Southern. Now with the café and the bistro, it is mixed.

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