
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

If the book could pull me in from the dangers of the outside world with its murders, intricate plot, red herrings and twisted reveals and a fast paced prose, I knew I had a winner in my hands.

DS Megan was back at work after years of undercover with the Met after a traumatic incident which cost her everything, and a murder in a septic tank and a rape of a 14-year-old, who lied at every line, awaited her. Wanting to leave everything after a panic attack, Megan fought her fears went investigating with her team.

My first book by author Susan Wilkins, I was entrapped in the plot from the beginning to end. I liked Megan, her vulnerabilities and insecurities touched my heart. I have been in her place. But when the needs must, she stepped up and found her rhythm. My joy knew no bounds at her natural talent of getting to the truth.

A police procedural with detailed investigation where the author could write those hidden clues and false leads in such a manner that I couldn’t distinguish the two, had to be exciting. This book kept my interest going with the suspense and quite some convoluted subplots. I tried to solve the murders but gave up midway when the story got too interesting, just to enjoy the sweet pleasure of the whodunit.

A fun read during tough times affecting the entire world.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Megan has to climb round and step across the body to get a proper view. What’s left is like a chalk white mask in the rough shape of a face. The innocence is still there, and a hint of the cheekiness. But perhaps she is imagining that.

Detective Megan Thomas spent years undercover. It cost her marriage and her peace of mind, but she got the job done. Now she has to decide if she can go back to her life before, to a regular crime unit alongside other cops who have no idea about the fear that haunts her dreams. She’s still running from her memories. She doesn’t know how to stop.

Moving to Devon was meant to be a fresh start. She’s staying with her sister and swimming in the sea daily, battling the tides and letting the waves wash her past away. But she can’t outrun everything. First, the discovery of a body in a claustrophobic crime scene triggers a panic attack. And then, when she gets too emotionally involved in an attack on a local teenager, her boss pulls her off the case entirely.

When a body is found on the stretch of beach where she swims every day, Megan remembers why she joined the force, and what she’s fighting for… But how can she find justice for others, when she’s no longer sure of herself?

Publication Date: April 2020

18 Responses

  1. Unpredictable and captivating enough? Definitely sold. Glad this one provided a good distractiom for you,Shalini. Great review!

    1. It was really good. I am sure you will live it too.
      How are you, and how’s the little one? How is situation at your end?

      1. Hey Shalini,Rylee and I are doing well. She’s almost 4 months, energetic and making all kinds of sounds that I’m trying to decipher 😆🙆
        Things are tense here. Currently the capital city that I live in has been locked out, no work,not sure if they’ll be salaries but atleast we are still okay. How are you?

    1. I was glad I read most of those books before the crisis started. Now things are little stressed at my end. How are you and sir?

  2. When the “hidden clues and false leads” become so mixed that you give up and enjoy the story, that must be a good book. I enjoyed your review, Shalini. Stay well–and distracted.

      1. I personally am OK. My husband and I are sheltering in place, learning about grocery store delivery, watching the government corona virus press conferences daily, and praying for those on the front lines from medical workers to those in the service industries. He has other health issues, but I get out once a day to walk the dogs. They and I enjoy and treasure that time. This (hopefully temporary) new normal is stressful for everyone. How are you faring?

        1. I am at home most times. Just go out for milk and bread and vegetables. The vendor comes at the complex gate. Not too sure if he uses much of sanitizer so get the vegetables in the bag then rush into hot shower. The veg get soaked in lukewarm soapy water… Ah well, learning the meaning of washing the mouth with soap… 😂 😂 😂 Though I didn’t think it was for the virus. A new normal is the right word, scary and apocalyptic

  3. It’s hard to know what to do when you get a delivery as far as handling the packaging. I do the best I can. When we lived in Mexico, I got used to sanitizing all fruits and vegetables with Microdyn or vinegar water. Because produce goes freely to and fro across the U.S. and South American borders, I still sanitize all regardless of where they come from. I don’t think the method is as important as doing something! My daughter commented recently that despite liking apocalyptic movies, she finds it eery to go out and see people with masks and gloves stocking up and avoiding each other. It is strange. Stay inside and stay well.

    1. Vinegar water is a nice idea. In school we were taught potassium permanganate to be used to clean vegetables. Not sure against this virus

      1. Yes,we are in uncharted waters. Even if sanitizing produce isn’t effective against this virus, I wouldn’t want to have another issue on top of the virus! So we do what we can.

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