Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Blog Tours presents Jann Doe with her book Every Love


Reviewing a book of poems is the most difficult thing in this world. Poems are personal, a collection of one’s own experiences. Who am I to say how good or how bad it is? Life for all of us is individualistic and so is our journey through it. Such is the power of poems!

While reading this book by Jann Doe, I was hit strongly by some of the poems, they coursed through me like a shot to my soul. They resonated within me like it is my life replayed. There are emotions galore if you read between the lines. There is a universe of feelings of you read it with your heart. Such is the power of these poems!

Silence is what our being craves when we read this book to hear an inner whispers which reveal their secrets. There are times I felt – oh, I have gone through this. Yes this has happened to me. That is the beauty of this book. Who amongst hasn’t experienced love in some form or the other. Jann Doe ‘s book encompasses all kinds of love and more. Such is the power of her words!

It is sometimes the gentle breeze that reminds us of the good times. It is the storm that rampages through the past evoking the memories. It is the breath we take when breathing is difficult. It is the air that surrounds us just to prop us up. Such is the power of the lines!

Each reading tells me something new, each poem is different. Each line changes its meaning depending when we read. Each word has greater significance, if you can just hear it. Such is the power of these poems by Jann Doe!!

I received a free digital ARC from the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Jann Doe is a poet who recognizes and accepts her authenticity as a woman, and encourages other women to do the same. Everyone has their burdens to cary, their flaws to accept, and their strengths to pride themselves on. Jann’s goal as a poet is to speak out on behalf of other women across the globe to love themselves for who they truly are. No one is perfect, nor should we be. It’s imperative that we as women accept ourselves, and live for tomorrow… not by ignoring our past but by learning from it, and growing because of it.

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Love can be wholesome,

Healthy and pure.

It can also be deadly,

Of this I am sure.

I’ve experienced many,

I’ve opened my door.

Of all the love that I’ve held

There’s one thing I know,

Ain’t no one has loved

Quite like me… Jann Doe.

EVERY LOVE is a collection of poetry covering my own experiences in love. From abuse, to affair, to healthy commitment, I’ve experienced the dynamics of love… even suicide has played a part. The name ‘Jann Doe’ is to protect myself and my family from my own mistakes and history, given the parts of me that love has touched.


*See You*

What is this burn,

This terrible stab,

My heart stuck,

It steps back,

Too shocked to beat,

I shrink when I see you,

My first heavy blow,

Of life, and of men,

But how could I know,

Should’ve listened,

Could’ve ran,

But for you I stood ground,

And for what,

To see you and her, hand in hand?

Publication Date: 21st July 2019



22 Responses

  1. Shalini, I’m stunned! I’m seriously in tears right now. This is the most beautful review I’ve ever read, and the fact that it’s about my own poetry has me speachless. My heart stopped in my chest as I read this. Thank you so much, for really just everything. You’re amazing. Absolutely beautiful inside and out. Thank you a million times over!

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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