Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This was one book which was so difficult to get into and the one which was so difficult to get out of. The story started with scenes so disjointed that I was fragmented in my view to continue to read further on not. But I am glad I stuck to my determination of getting past the mental blocks. The last few pages captured my imagination in ways I could never have anticipated.

My first book by author Mitzi C had me totally awed with the events unfolding of the past and the future of the two main characters Kandi and Juan. One pure being whose blood was both poison and cure and the other a hybrid who had survived the poison.

This was a true sci-fi with a thin sliver of fantasy thriller where Mitzi has combined the primitive natural forces which generally govern the people into the powers which govern both the beings and humanity. I found my pulse spiking at the high rising drama which unfurled in front of me. The powers in both Kandi and Juan had me literally clapping my hands. And hitting my head!! Why didn’t they use their powers to escape?!! Sheesh!!

So that led to my niggles, the book did not grip from the get go. I had to force my brain to read which was not a good sign. I didn’t really like both the main characters. The latter one third worked well, and I felt that this book 1 of the series had so much potential to be something more than what it was. It just missed the mark in the first half.

Overall an enjoyable read in the last few chapters.

I received a copy of the book from the author, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 3 stars

About the Author

Hello! My name is Mitzi. I am a person – probably – with a body and a head. I am always tired and/or hungry, and I can’t dance. If you ask me to dance, I will refuse. Send me pictures of kittens if you want to be my friend.

I write mainly fantasy, science-fiction, and romance. Burning Space, the last installment in The Edinön Trilogy, will be released on October 12th (e-book) and October 26th (paperback). My next book, a fantasy/horror novel called Gray Haze, is currently in the works.

I won a spelling bee in 6th grade, have read a million books, and have been a prolific writer most of my life. Now you care deeply about what I have to say. 😉

Author Contact Details










Book blurb


KANDI is a 19-year-old girl who harbors extreme social anxiety as a result of past torture and certain uncanny abilities. The last place she wants to be is anywhere near people.
JUAN is an 18-year-old boy born to an underage, single mother. His dreams of a brighter future were crushed when he was arrested for killing his father.

Cleverly orchestrated circumstances drive Kandi and Juan to meet and form a peculiar bond that may end up saving the galaxy. But first they must overcome their own trauma in order to destroy a government-funded organization set to unleash a devastating contagion upon humanity… one which could only be cured by Kandi’s blood.

In Liquid Death, Kandi must conquer her fears and defeat her only friend and worst enemy: her father. Meanwhile, Juan must do all he can to save the girl… if only to learn the truth about himself.

Product Details

Publication date : 8th January 2016

Publisher : Mitzi C

Book Links



48 Responses

    1. I loved the cover too… But it took more than half the book to pick up speed.. I was in a conference with a topic going on to statistics, hence I continued reading. At home, I would have probably not continued. I have taken in too many books, Jonetta… And now I have the headaches which have been irritating… Sheesh!!

  1. As always you manage to write a review that is terrific indeed😉😊 Despite your niggles I have to say that for me this book sounds very good (but tgen again I am a huge sci fi nerd aa you know).
    How are you feeling? Somewhat better I hope?😊

    1. I have good days bad days… Morning was terrible.. Now it is slightly better… I am really trying to be happy but tears just keep falling in pain. Damn!!
      Thank you for your kind words… Sorry… I try reading posts. Some I can manage some I can’t 😕😕🙃🙃

      1. Hey, you don’t have to say sorry at all. I really mean that. I’m just sorry to hear that you are in so much pain at times 😢 But there is definitely not anything you have to apologise for. Please, most important thing right now is that I hope you will recover fully soon. So take good care of yourself 😘❤️

  2. Great review, Shalini, tho I’m thinking if your end result was a three star, then maybe your niggles from the slow start was a sign…”here’s your sign…” guffaw…guffaw…but really, I love your honest reviews.

    1. Hehehehe…. I realized that… The ending was good… But the initial few had me meandering on… I day dreamed a bit too while reading… And not about the story 😂😂 for me, it should have gripped me from page 1…it gripped me from the end😉😜

        1. That’s good, you should miss me… Though not many do 🤔🤔😂 I am glad you are okay and happy.. Have a fabulous week, Michael💕💕

          1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
            Haha if you say so💕💕💕💕

        1. Hahaha… Well you know how I look like… On twitter I keep on getting messages from men whom I don’t know. No idea why saying a hello = I love them. I am fed up of explaining I treat everyone as humans 😞🤔🤔

          1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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