
Digital Reads Reviews

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This was a thriller if a different kind where 4 people sat for dinner, one died, one was a murderer who confessed, the other two were innocent bystanders. Were they?

This was exciting, mind blowing where it showed me how we could never know what people who love us could hide. Secrets deep in the heart just needed the right knife to peel the surface away. Pun intended.

This was my second hook by author B P Walter, and I was completely into the family life of a gay couple and their loving son. An entry of a woman into their book club changed the balance of equation of their relationship. And everything came tumbling down.

The secrets, lies, furtive movements, murder turned my afternoon around where I couldn’t believe each word I read. The story didn’t just end with the truth. It went a step further where there were layers hidden underneath.

The only niggles I could think of was some if the scenes which appeared to be intriguing were not laid to rest with good reasoning. I couldn’t find my answers. But they were tiny points. The rest of the book blasted me away.

Just a word of warning if you ever get to this book – don’t presume you know wveyethng because the author will make sure you know nothing.

Quite a mind-freak!!


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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Four people walked into the dining room that night. One would never leave.
Matthew: the perfect husband.

Titus: the perfect son.

Charlie: the perfect illusion.

Rachel: the perfect stranger.

Charlie didn’t want her at the book club. Matthew wouldn’t listen.

And that’s how Charlie finds himself slumped beside his husband’s body, their son sitting silently at the dinner table, while Rachel calls 999, the bloody knife still gripped in her hand.


Publication Date:

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

5 Responses

  1. Brought a copy of this the other day, it’s waiting to be read on my TBR pile Think I may need to move it right to the top now😉. Great review Shalini!!❤❤

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