Digital Reads Reviews

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Who wouldn’t love gossip and a street party between women whose life stories had been set up in the initial few pages of the book?

My first book by author Claire Seeber, it embroiled a lot of read-between-the-lines politics. 3 women with 3 vastly different lives were the core of the story. And soon their children came into picture. And the lines joining them became more convoluted.

The suspense was seen when lies and facades and soon allegations came into the picture. With 3 POVs, it revealed their lives from all angles, and not all of them were beautiful.

The story became interesting from the last 40% and I could zip through the prose easily. The first half was difficult, but perserverence and DJ’s assurance helped.

On to my next…

P. S. The audiobook was a DNF for me as the narrator was pathetic with a weird accent. Never understood a word she spoke.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


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The party was supposed to be the highlight of the summer. If only I’d known that night would destroy our lives…

All the neighbours were laughing, drinking out of plastic glasses and getting along. I almost felt happy. Almost forgot about the terrible argument earlier and the sinister messages I’d been receiving from a strange address all week, threatening to expose the lies behind my perfect life.

As we finished with the red and gold fireworks and welcomed everyone back to our house, I believed that everything would be okay.

But I didn’t know who I was inviting in.

I never could have imagined what would happen here, in our home, after I’d gone up to bed.

Everyone saw something different.

It’s my daughter’s word against the story the boy from down the road is telling. But how can I find out what really happened that night without everyone finding out the truth about me?


Publication Date: June 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

3 Responses

  1. I agree completely, Shalini. The first half or so was harder to get through, but I am glad I persevered. I was okay with the audiobook, but it wasn’t one of my favourites. Nice, honest review.

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