DRBT - Authors

Welcome to Digital Reads Book Tours
I started this journey of book tours at the behest of an author and a friend to help all authors promote their book on blogs and social media.
Marketing and publicity of a book is very important to reach the vast number of readers across the world, and I would love to help you with that.
Bloggers/Bookstagrammers, who read different genres and review them on their posts and social media, help the authors by participating in these book tours, thereby gaining immense publicity for themselves and for the authors.
1/3/5 day Book Blitz
- As many bloggers who show interest and author’s budget
- It will be a simple promo post with book cover, blurb, and extract
- Charges would be US$5/blogger + 10% PayPal service fee
7 day Book Tour
- 7 Bloggers/Bookstagrammers for the tour if they agree to a review post, maximum 10 if there are more promo posts. 1 -2 Blogger/Bookstagrammer per day.
- Review will be posted if they like the book, or it would be a promo post.
- Charges would be US$100 + 10% PayPal service fee = US$ 110
- Charges would increase if more people show interest
The post would go live on their Blog and/or Bookstagram along with their other social media.
1 day Cover Reveal
- As many Bloggers/Bookstagrammers who show interest and depends on the budget of the author
- Charges would be US$5/blogger + 10% PayPal service fee
Terms and conditions
- Services have to be booked 2 months in advance
- Review copies should be made available to all bloggers 6 weeks in advance in all formats epub, mobi, and pdf
- Book and Author details to be provided by the author on time. Bloggers do not like repeated mails, kindly send everything in the media kit
- No refund in case you decide to cancel the book tour.
- Trigger warnings, abuse and erotic content have to be informed prior to booking the blog tour
- Blog Posts would be promoted daily on Twitter and Instagram stories
- Kindly thank the Bloggers and Bookstagrammers who host your book on their feed.
- I will not influence any of the bloggers about their posts neither will I challenge their choice of posts/rating.
- Giveaways have to be international. All bloggers deserve equal chance to win them. Borders should not discriminate against them.
Charges have been raised as I would be paying Gift Cards to all Bloggers/Bookstagrammers.
Payment would be via PayPal directly through my page www.paypal.me/ShaliniGopal
Alternately, I can send you an invoice.
Due to a misdemeanor by an author, a non-refundable deposit of US$20 has to be paid at the time of booking the book tour.
The rest of the payment has to be done immediately after the confirmation of the bloggers interested in the Book Tour/ Cover Reveal / Book Blitz.
Contact Me
I would get back to you within 24-48 hours. Please check your spam folder if my mail is not found in your inbox.
- This is just for the publicity of your book, it does not guarantee sales
- I will not force any blogger for the choice of their posts, as they are giving me their valuable time and trust.
- Please don’t force me to ask you repeatedly for my payment. I would like to be paid as soon as I mail you.
- A testimonial would be most appreciated.
- Sometimes Bloggers/Bookstagrammers do not post due to unforeseen circumstances. If known in advance, I would try to arrange for alternative people.