

Since the past 7 years, I have been fortunate enough to work with some great authors who have loved my editing and so have their readers. 

In the last two years, I have been working as a developmental editor on 10 – 12 manuscripts. Happy to announce some of these books have become bestsellers. To some, I have been a writing coach, working with the author, chapter by chapter.

I am thorough in my work and keep to my schedule, barring any extenuating circumstances. My feedback and comments are extremely detailed. I work very hard on the beta reading and editing projects and get completely invested in the story to transform it into the best version it can be, detailing the strong and the weak points of the manuscript along with the reasons.

I would work on the prose until I am happy with the way it reads and sounds. And that takes time. My authors can attest to the love and energy I put into one project.

Copy editing + proofreading

I use Microsoft Word track changes for this.

This is

  • Correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • Checking the similar sounding words
  • Modifying words which are repeatedly used in a sentence and throughout the story
  • Correcting the tenses

This also includes suggestions for making a few lines flow smoother to give vivid imagery to the scene. 

Time taken would depend on the word count and the amount of work needed in the manuscript.

Charges would be US$0.016 per word for a single pass. 

Send a request for charges for dual pass. 

Rushed charges would increase by US$80 – 150 depending on the word count and time duration.

I use the Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam Dictionary as my reference points. 

Developmental editing

  • I also call it beta editing as it includes two rounds of developmental editing + 1 round of line editing + 1 round of proofreading. 
  • The purpose of beta edit is to work with each other and edit scenes, rewrite lines to make the prose flow and to develop the book, chapter by chapter, and make it shine.   
  • This could be done chapter-wise so that each chapter feels perfect or in chunks of chapters or the whole book. 
  • Charges for all the rounds of developmental editing would be US$0.032 per word of the final word count of the chapters/book. 
  • Time taken could be anywhere between 2 to 4 months, structured to each manuscript.
  • If only a single round of developmental reading is needed, charges would be US$0.018/word of the final word count. 

Developmental editing + complete rewriting of book

  • This includes developmental editing + rewriting of nearly the entire book + adding dialogues and depth to the scenes to give a shine to the story.
  • I offer this to writers whose books I have beta read and after sending a sample of my writing.
  • This would be done section or chapter-wise so that each part of the book feels complete.
  • Charges would be US$0.08 per word in the final edit of each chapter, depending on the amount of work needed (which will include copy editing and proofreading).
  • Time taken could be anywhere between 3 to 5 months, structured to each manuscript.

Beta Reading and Final Proofreading

  • Charges for beta reading added to any of the editing packages would be US$0.0013 per word 
  • Charges for final proofreading after the book has been professionally edited and just before publishing would be US$0.006 per word 

My testimonials

  • You can find my testimonials both in the Testimonials section and on Goodreads
  • The most recent testimonial by USA bestseller author is attached below, where we have worked together on all her 8 books.
Shalini is not only exceptional as an editor, but she invests herself in the story, and for me, it’s the difference between a good editor and a great one. She’s able to see the story as a whole, but also takes each chapter and each scene individually, and makes sure it shines. She’s my go-to person in my author career and I know I can always count on her honest feedbacks to improve the prose. When I’m looking for an editor, I want someone honest enough to tell me when something needs improvements (or let’s be honest, a big re-write) and where I got it right. I love how we can discuss the points we don’t agree on until they make sense to the both of us. Even her harshest critics are done in a gentle way with the sole goal to get the book to the best version it can be, and for me it’s precious. She helps me improve as an author with every work in progress we tackle. I will never not recommend Shalini’s services as an editor.


  • Payment would be via PayPal (with added service fee of 10%) directly through my page www.paypal.me/ShaliniGopal 
  • Alternately, I can send you an invoice.
  • Charges would be rounded off to the next whole number. 
  • All charges are for single pass editing. Charges would increase for multiple passes as I would be spending equal amount of time for all of those edits.
  • Charges would remain the same until mid-2024
  • Ideally, a book should have developmental editing, then line editing and proofreading.
  • For long term services for multiple books, direct bank deposit via WISE is also possible (which will include its service fee in the final charges).

Contact Me

I would get back to you within 24-48 hours. Please check your spam folder if my mail is not found in your inbox.


  • My work on your book will start only after a pre-decided booking amount reaches me.
  • I take full payment in advance for beta reading, line editing, and proofreading due to the misdemeanors of a couple of authors.
  • No refund.
  • If the book is part of a series, do send me the previous book in epub format, so that it would be easier for me to understand the characters.
  • For beta reading, I will read your book thrice, depending on the amount of work needed and give my best to each manuscript. Proofreading would be a single pass.
  • In the past 7 years, I have been fortunate enough to work with some great authors who have loved my editing and so have their readers. The first line on this page has been coined by my niece and is my good luck charm; hence, the word “since” would stay up there on that line.  
  • These charges would remain the same until December, 2024.

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