
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

I honestly do not know what I read here. There is a part of me which likes a good story which says – what in this wide world was this? Who are all these twisted characters? With a title being Liars, does this book really have to have only lies?? Where is the darkness in their psyche coming from???

And then the part of me which likes thrillers which goes – Gotcha!! look at that! Made you read at one go!!

My first book by Frances Vick… And believe me this book was like a horrific scene where I didn’t want to stay but at the same time I couldn’t move!!

Omg! I was catatonic, I couldn’t do anything else. I could just read till I got to the end… And then the book released me from its sticky web.

Ask me to recount the story – I can’t because it’s all lies. Ask me to like a character – I can’t, they are all Liars. Ask me to recount the scenes – I can’t, they are twisted, each one more bizarre than the other..

That forces the question again

What the hell did I just read??

Francis Vick has a good job, piling up the layers upon layers on the characters. When I got to the point, I knew one, the other did something which shocked me. There is something very dark in the atmosphere of this book, though the author has not voluntarily created that. But I think, somewhere down the line his twisted main characters started acting up and doing what they want. They started wanting things selfishly, they started doing things using their own methodology, and then they turned onto each other…. The author was just a coincidental bystander. And so was I.

The story in sketchy details, Jenny loses her mother Sal, meets the man David who provides her with an alibi in the funeral, starts dating then living with him. Her best friend, Freddie is suspicious of David and his history. And then people start dying… And they start lying. And some start lying and then dying…

Generally, I find a few niggles in the book, but in this I find the entire book to be a question – what did I like in the book? Nothing! Then why did I read it – I have no idea!! It made me!!

I am innocent, fellow readers, the book did it!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher, Bookouture and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 3.5 stars

About the Author

The only child of parents who worked at a top security psychiatric hospital, Frances Vick grew up receiving disquieting notes and presents from the inmates. Expelled from school, she spent the next few years on the dole, augmenting her income by providing security and crewing for gigs, and being a medical experiment guinea pig. Later jobs included working in a theatre in Manhattan, teaching English in Japanese Junior High Schools, and being a life model in Italy, before coming back to London and working with young offenders and refugees. Chinaski is her first novel. Her second is Bad Little Girl

Book blurb

Jenny – poor, bullied and nursing her sick mother – hasn’t had an easy time of it. But at last things are beginning to look up. Through writing about her experience online she’s discovered new friends – a whole community of people who understand what she’s going through. And when a shy young man called David gets in touch to ask her on a date – well, it feels like all her dreams have come true.

But just as Jenny is beginning to picture her future in David’s sprawling family home, something feels wrong. How can David be so perfect? Little comments and gifts make Jenny begin to wonder: does David know things about her past that she’s never told anybody?

Product Details

Publication date : 26th January, 2018

Publisher : Bookouture

Language : English

Available on Amazon

A twisted thriller

33 Responses

        1. Yes… Most of the time, if the book is interesting few hours, if it is semi interesting then a day, if too boring then a couple of days… 🙃😉

  1. A friend of mine suggested adding you, so I did! I’m amazed by how many books you get through and your reviews are very honest and straight to the point, loving it!

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