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I see you look at me with wondrous eyes, I wonder what you see

I see joy in your eyes playing with me, I wonder what you see

I see me in your eyes, I wonder what you see

I see me through your eyes, I cry for the child I was…

Pain is what pain does

Difficult time today goes

Oh how I long for that innocence

I see in your eyes, I long to see in mine…

Once there was a child stripped of childhood

Once there was a heart stripped of love

Then there was me stripped of laughter

Today there is me, joining it together…

Pain is what pain does

Difficult time today goes

Oh how I long for innocence

I see in your eyes, I long to see in mine.

54 Responses

  1. OMG! I can feel the emotion behind this. So beautiful (and heart-wrenching). Every time I look at my daughter I am reminded of the innocence I once had, and this poem brings all that right to the surface. Well done. You should write song lyrics. So lovely. 🙂 I sincerely hope you are doing okay, Shalini.

    1. Awww… Leslie you understood the words perfectly… I felt all this when I see my niece…. Children should be protected… You are really a piece of my heart 💕

  2. What a wonderful poem. Melancholic, but written down it shows there is some hope for a wonderful future too. Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts with us, Shalani! Best wishes, Michael

  3. Shalini, this is so captivating and I am totally in a blissful daze. This is like the best happening to me on a troubled day. I want to jump in joy, unmindful of the lingering cough. Because I see it from my favourite person when she sees innocence.
    I am trying poetry here. Dismiss if rubbish. But I have just read something totally bliss ❤️

  4. I read this three times already. Beautiful. (Also, for some reason WordPress decided I wasn’t following you anymore and my comments were needing moderation. Sigghhhhhh….gotta love wordpress, sometimes.)

    1. Awww…. Brittany… I can’t write most days… But some days my pain needs an outlet… Otherwise I keep crying the whole day…
      Thank you so much my darling. Your friendship means a lot to me 💖

      1. Writing is a really great outlet but the words don’t always come.. but I’m glad that when they do, you share them with us. They’re really beautiful and I hope you have more of those days so there are less crying days!💖 I’m so glad we’ve found a friendship in each other through our books💕

  5. Yes, you definitely can write Shalini. We knew that already, but this is another proof that you can do it spectacularly. What a beautiful and touching poem.

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