Book Review – The Weight of a Soul by Elizabeth Tammi @ElizabethTammi @The_FFBC #BookReview #BlogTour #fantasy

Many thanks to Patricia and FFBC Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. Quite a descriptive read portraying the love between the sisters with a backdrop of Nordic mythology. Lena’s younger sister was found dead. She couldn’t get over the shock and hence made a deal with Norse Goddess of Death, Hela, to get […]

Book Review – Brutal Time by Christina Bauer @CB_Bauer @MyMonsterHouse @XpressoTours #BookReview #BlogTour #fantasy

Many thanks to Giselle and Xpresso Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. I needed something fun to read and this book was simply fabulous, just what I needed. I have always wanted to read Christina Bauer’s books, and when I got the opportunity, it felt like Christmas in November. Kyla was one kick-ass, […]

Book Review – Sisters of Shadow And Light by Sara B. Larson @SaraBLarson @The_FFBC #BookReview #BlogTour #fantasy

Many thanks to Patricia and FFBC Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. I loved the excitement this books generated in me. Quite an adventurous trip it was. 2 sisters, Zuhra and Inara, living with their broken mother in a citadel which hid the portal between two realms of human and rakasa. Their father, […]

Book Review – Beneath London’s Fog by Iona Caldwell @IonaCaldwell7 @SydeFyre #BookReview #BookBlogger #fantasy

Happy Publication Day!! This was Jonathan’s story, a monster, taking the skin of a man, but with a heart of gold. Filled with love and pain, he lived his life in the darkness of the Raven Hallow Manor, making it his home along with spirits and other things which go bump in the night. An […]

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