Digital Reads Reviews

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Oh here I go again , another weekend and another tag ! I hid, I dodged and I tried to jump into the words and blog posts. I even took on a mistaken identity but lo and behold she recognised me ..ow ow…she pulled my ear (figuratively, not literally as she is too cute for that ) and said… oh no not said… demanded that I do this tag … How could I say no to such an innocent demand which comes from her pure heart. She is a fabulous girl whom I have never met except in the words of her blog but she feels our connection …she loves her mom as evident in her posts …So here I am at midnight typing in the flashlight of my mobile phone just for you , my darling friend Bhavika….

About her

Does she need anymore introduction? Go check out her posts here…bhavika writes on various topics close to her favourite is Magical Mommy. She is innocent , she is naughty but her eyes twinkle with so much love… Amazing


  1. Answer the questions asked to you
  2. Nominate as many as you want
  3. Ask my 11 questions to the nominees

Bhavika’s questions

what is my greatest achievement?

I always wanted to be a good human being , my greatest achievement would be the realisation that forgiving myself for my mistakes and then going ahead to become a better human being is good for my soul. I only want to be better than what I was today , that is the goal of my life and many times i slip up but I don’t give up on me.

what is the importance of words for you

Words are very important. Words are powerful too , most people don’t realise how powerful they can be… in Hindi it is known as zubaan… that means once you give your word you fulfil it. And so do I. And there are times when I cannot fulfil my word then I apologise to the person. It is a mark of respect for the other person.

who / what are your strengths and weakness at the same time

The  answer to that is simple LOVE …Love that I have for my family, my loved ones is my strength as their love allows me to go boldly into this world and make my way. It is my weakness too in a way as it makes me vulnerable to their harsh words sometimes, even a small thing said by them makes me overly sensitive. Their love is my safety net in this difficult world that we sometimes face.

what would you like to be born as in your next birth

My mother’s daughter in all the births I take, That’s all I would ever want

what do you notice in a person

If it’s a guy, then its his shoes. I am a bit of a shoe snob where guys are concerned. A guy riding this fabulous bike yet in his slippers is an absolute no-no for me.

In a girl, then her smile and her eyes, I think all girls in this world are beautiful whatever be their age or nationality.

what in the other gender attracts me the most

white shirt. blue jeans (nicely emphasising the butt not what guys nowadays wear, jeans right below the butt crack hate that), good shoes and a cheeky grin and i am putty. Or rather just the butt in jeans would do the trick (blush blush)… Hehehe

what do you think about feminism

It started as a movement to uplift the plight of women and to make us independent but it went a bit too far and nowadays I see girls smoking and drinking and sleeping around just in the name of feminism so that they can do what the guys do. I am all for independence and choice but i am not at all for the stupid choices that we make. I hate girls smoking.

who is your celebrity crush

Ranbir was, for his looks and acting but since he broke with Kat he has lost his charm, he comes in a weird paint ad and i am like, omg i liked him why o why????

On the international front, George Clooney would be my choice, he is suave and his eyes twinkle

a quality which impresses you the most

Acceptance without judegement. I have been fortunate enough to meet few people in this world who accept me the way I am , I dont think they even ask me my age and personal details, they take me on the strength of my words and character. A lot of people in this blogging community are a great example…..( Bhavika hint hint)

one thing you would like to ban if given a chance

Smoking definitely …tobacco and nicotine cause oral cancer and the surgery which goes for it is horrible and I dont like giving anaesthesia for such surgeries.

one fear that haunts you the most

Tags like these…  hahahahaha just joking ….. barely…… I am scared of things that go bump in the night , ghosts, horror (shudder shudder)   and i am writing these answers in absolute darknesss……. Bhavika hellllpppppp……..

But on a serious note , it is the safety and health of my family which haunts me most.

I am adding a disclaimer to this tag that all my answers are my own they do not reflect right or wrong. Neither do I judge nor criticize if your views are diametrically opposite to mine. So kindly don’t criticize mine.


my nominations


my questions

  1. what is the quality about yourself that you would like to change ,one physical and one your inner self
  2. given a choice would you like to go back in time or go ahead into the future and your reasons for it
  3. whatever be your age what do you think affects you the most in your college or work life environment
  4. which is the place that brings you inner peace that when you think of that place or go there your soul is at rest
  5. tell me a funny incident in your life
  6. which is your favorite color and why
  7. what is happiness according to you and are you happy and content with your life
  8. have you ever saved anyone who is getting bullied and would you have the courage to stand for that person, be honest
  9. who is your most favorite person whom you love the most
  10. what is your favorite song
  11. if you are given one wish what would you ask for in your life partner, brains or beauty?? (remember these are your only two choices and you cannot use your brains to earn money and do plastic surgery thats not an option)  so choose carefully and honestly because once you choose, the other is lost to you.

Good luck to all whom I have nominated. Do the tag if you want to. I would love to know all of you a little better. But no compulsion. It’s just a fun thing, let it not pressurise you.

                Have fun 


106 Responses

  1. I loved your answers Rockstar.
    Superb answers, great sense of humor. The answers really reflect how you are as a person.

      1. I’m recovering 😂😂 after that she started spamming me. She continued insulting till 2. Meine reply karna band kiya, phir bhi she continued. By the way, I wrote a poem for both of us 🙈😂
        Haan, mein khud ke liye bhi likhte hoon 🙈 do have a look at it 😁

        1. Omg.. U saw that post, humans will become humans and animals will become animals because I asked her how are we growing as humans… Thank God we didn’t grow as rabbits

          1. Hahaha… She didn’t understand what I was asking so she got more angry… That’s sad.. I didn’t want anger..

          2. And thanks to that babe… I had to add a disclaimer on this post.. I was so scared she will scream here and fun of the tag would be lost… Should I have nominated her??? 😉😉😂😂

          3. 😂😂 you should have definitely nominated her. There is a lot under the blue sky, a lot that she is unaware of. 😛

          4. I think the recent terrorism in UK have shaken them up. They view everyone with a jaundiced eye.. I went through racism on Facebook where my good uk friend said so many things casting doubts on my identity… It was bad and now this

          5. It got really ugly in the end, but I’m happy only from her side, not ours. After that screenshot I sent. I replied saying I maintain my dignity not to use words that can hurt anybody and I don’t call someone dirty for no reason.
            Fir kya tha? She got really angry. She wrote long comments on India being undemocratic, accusing us of being inhuman to her here, on WP, telling stuff like we should be ashamed and probably this is how we have been bought up…

          6. If she doesn’t like us, why did she reply to our posts… Why react so much… You say your point and go back… Why drag it so much.. Waste of energy

          7. Exactly. She advised me to go and check out her blog, to know how good people are and she told me that I lost an opportunity to be friends with some really nice people 😂😂 she also told me to learn when I am on a public platform 😛

          8. I saw her blog some tea kettle and table cloth was arranged in the pic and she felt happy about that… I unfollowed her and that was the end of it

          9. And she did send me posts that her grandmother was from India or had been to India I think before independence… Or during that time… Tab se she doesn’t like Indians I think

          10. Chalo acchha hai, she was feeling uneasy, she was diseased and kise doctor ke paas Jaana zaroori tha 😂

  2. Wow! This was really inspiring to me, I really wanna do it, but I’m a little bit affraid of making it in the wrong way haha, I’m not 100% confident with the languaje… I’ll let you know if I give it a try!

  3. Awesome bike, good looking guy with nice shades, leather jacket and slippers -. 😑😑😑 I hate it too! Aye, George Clooney is my favourite, 😛 btw, did you really type in absolute darkness? 🤔 Laptop on tha na? 😛 Or phone (whichever you use) 😂😂

          1. Hahaha utkarsh I have work… So can’t tell bosses I was answering questions so I am late hahaha.. Actually I can tell him but that means some other he will be late and I have to wait… And I hate waiting… Hehehe😉😉

          2. Thank you utkarsh. I got up now will leave in some time.. I dont work in office I work in operation theatres😉😉

          3. Hehehehehehehehe yes but today I just have to see my yesterday’s operated patient so it’s cool will ask my friend and boss to pick me up.. Hahahahahahahahahaha don’t worry when I am working, I don’t even look at my fone.. WP toh dur ki baat hai.. So chill

          4. Well thank you for your uninterrupted services to the mankind…to all doctors out there…
            I wanted to say this atleast I did

  4. Wow! Told you I will watch it the first thing in the morning. What are you, a darling? I loved, loved all your answers and funnily, I would have answered the same if were asked same question. Told you we have a connection.
    Thank you for such a lovely introduction. Loved it! Stay blessed darling. You are an amazing human being. I certify that. 😊😊
    It was all lovely to be able to read your answers. They were a treat. 😃

    1. Aww… Madam bhavika, so nice of you to say that.. It took me 2hours to write that in darkness… I am glad we think alike… That’s so sweet first thing in the morning huhh?? Cute

          1. Bhavika I just reread my post… I am glad I could give you a good introduction.. I was imagining about the Paris trip… So…

          2. No no we are that irresistible but bolte hain na peeche se waar nahi karte so now they are warned… Now we can attack

      1. And Cynthia I sometimes write about things close to my heart and I get blasted for it too… Check out my previous post hehehe 😉😉

  5. Congratulations… Sun Shine! 🙂
    I think you have fetish on Shoes! 😀
    White shirt and the blue jeans yes … yes .. yes.. its the best combination for men as well as girls..!! Totally agree.. 🙂

      1. I can guess now … whats on the other side! 😀 Glad to know “people” exists… I thought whole mankind is of “boring” kind of people! 😉

  6. Dear friend Adele – I feel like your standards may be unattainable. If you can’t handle a slipper-wearing biker with some booty crack on display, what else is left? (EVERYTHING ELSE IS LEFT. DON’T BALLROOM DANCE WITH THAT BOOTY BIKER GUY – EVER!!!)

    1. Never no ways eeeeeeuuuuuu no booty cracks… Ball room dance is dignified. I want to glide with my man not wonder when his junk would be fully displayed 😉😉 hahahaha

      1. That would be EPIC. If only I could attach a pic in response. I’m certain that there has to be some kind of fantastic Bollywood booty man meme out there. The internet is nutty that way.

  7. hi shalini ,
    would you like to become Co-Author of POETRY PASSION
    since you love writing & reading,so that’s why I want you to join my team of Co-Authors

    please accept my request


    1. I don’t write poetry very frequently as I write only when words hit me. So I can’t write whenever I want to. I write when I have to… So I don’t know how much I can contribute to your poetry passion blog. I don’t know anything about poetry.

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