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I present to you the debut Not Like Everyone Else by Jennifer Leigh


The wind rushing through my hair, the rush of adrenaline as everything moves faster than time. The momentum thrusts me forward, making me feel as if I am on cloud nine. That is what I tell myself every time this happens. And you should know this happens a lot. You see, I am not like everyone else, but you will find that out soon enough. I live in a small house on the edge of the woods with trees and bushes surrounding me. It is rare that anyone ever comes out this way, for there is a rumor going around that if you go too far you may never come back out. Honestly, I like it much better that way. I get everything to myself. And no one can see what I am doing out here. The days creep into nights and I lie awake in the open field that is deep in the woods behind my house. I have never felt more alive. On nights like this, I dream of the next one, the next victim. Yes, I did say victim. After all, I did say I am not like everyone else. I am a killer just so you are not confused. But do not tell anyone, or you may be next. There is this guy I have been following for a few weeks now. There is something about him that makes me go crazy. He is average in height and weight. But maybe it is his brown hair or even his irresistible brown eyes. I think about him non-stop and I can’t help but want to make him mine. All mine. There have been plenty of times that I imagine what I could do if I brought him to my house. To play my little games with him. To show him a side few get to see of me and never get to tell anyone about. That is the good thing about the woods. They are my cover. My protection. The missing person’s signs that frequent the streets are people I got to know well. Their loved ones may miss them, but I sure as hell do not. They all are the same. They cry and scream to get me to stop, telling me that they would do anything to stop me. I do not play like that. Once I have started it only ends in one way. It is truly orgasmic when I am finished with my work. One day I will find someone that can take the pain.

Now leave me alone. I need to keep focused. However, do not think you have seen the last of me. And remember do not tell anyone our little secret. We would not want to see what would happen to you after all. Chapter 1 The sun slowly rises on the edge of East Remberton Road in the town of Ryton where I find myself startled awake by the slither of sunlight poking its way through the curtain. It has been another long night that I would rather just forget. I toss in the light-green satin sheets as I open my eyes to see the mess around the room. Surely the aftermath of yet another fight. “I cannot believe that he would do this again,” I say. I look to see that the spot next to me on the bed is empty. I reach my hand onto my nightstand to pick up my cell phone. Wondering if he even bothered to text me. “This is ridiculous. No calls. Nothing. He never comes home anymore, and yet I’m supposed to be fine.” I hit the call button. I go to the bathroom, maneuvering around heaping piles of clothes, furniture, and other objects that have found their home on the floor of the bedroom. The call goes to voicemail for the third time. “How can I be this stupid? Why can’t I find someone that wants to be with me?” Frustration settles over me, as I slam my phone against the granite countertop. I look into the mirror that hangs above the sink only to see ruffled brown hair, a smear of make-up, and a small cut on my cheek. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to explain this one.” I sigh as I look at myself in the mirror. A sad expression looking back. Even though I don’t remember Corey hitting me, it’s the only thing that can leave a house in shambles and me all bruised up having to explain. The last few times I had a cut or bruise visible, I made an excuse for how it got there. Bumping into the counter or a cat scratch. although we don’t have a cat. But after a while, no one listened to those reasons and instead I began hearing people talk about me. Those same people never approached me though. Instead, I was all alone trying to get through the day before going back to Corey.

About the Author

Jennifer Garey is a self-published young adult author and blogger that writes under the name
Jennifer Leigh. She has participated in National Novel Writing Month where all of her thoughts come together and books are created. Jennifer has three published books: Incognito, In Plain
Sight, and her new release Not Like Everyone Else. She also has published a short story, The
Stranger I Knew. Her blog, Bound to Writing, focuses on young adult books and writing.
She lives in New Jersey with her fiancé, two guinea pigs, cat.

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Book blurb

Ryan can’t seem to get her memories in order. When she breaks it off with her long-term boyfriend, Corey, she can’t help but feel free. But mysterious events keep Ryan asking “just what happened?” After her family moved to Ryton, after Carter goes missing, after Jacob is in the hospital. All of these afters, but Ryan can’t remember the befores. With Harper and Elliot by her side, Ryan can only hope that she does not forget… again. Will Ryan be able to recover her memory to figure out what happened when it all went dark?

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Bound to Writing



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