
Digital Reads Reviews

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Wowza… Twisted and fun… Exactly what I wanted on my drowsy morning with a cuppa tea.

Having read many books by the author, I was sure I would get a suspenseful book with tinges of medical thriller. I got that. In spades. Nathan and Hamish were the ickiest doctors I had ever come across in my entire life. Read on…

When Julia spoke against a male colleague in her previous place of work, she had to go through a court case to prove her honesty. She had no choice but to move to a new place, and Hamish and Tan were the only ones who were willing to give her a job. You see, we doctors don’t like when someone whistle-blows. And at this new place, her colleague, Nathan, wanted her.

The entire atmosphere of the book was quite dark where I got the feeling that something more was at play in this hospital. As Julia continued her work, I got the entire story of how plastic surgery was done here. Damn, they were creeps.

The story had twists when Julia’s son disappeared. And the words in the book suddenly appeared to take an ominous tone. The author could make my heart stop as I forced myself to read further. As a doc, it was quite disgusting to see how some doctors could behave.

The story had realistic tones as in my professional life, I have come across such a-holes. Apologies. But that was my most polite swear word. The story pulled and pushed at me as the doctor in me was ready to go to war, yet the reader in me wanted to see how it would end.

Quite a breathstealing thriller where I couldn’t take a deep breath until I finished the book. Whew.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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I need the two men sitting on the other side of the interview table to trust me. My family’s happiness is riding on my getting this job. I smile, knowing that first impressions are key. There’s no link between having a friendly face and being trustworthy, but humans are built to think there is. Even us doctors, who should know better.

If only I could keep my past secret from these men, but they’ll have read about me in the papers – the court case, the threats, the lies that were told. But what’s important now are my son and daughter: a new house, new school, a new start away from the city. Away from my ex, my old job… and the scandal that nearly ruined me.

What I don’t know yet is that if I convince them to hire me, I’ll be putting my children in terrible danger. I’m trying to make things right, but this is when it starts to go wrong.

And when one of my precious children goes missing, I’ll realise that the nightmare is far from over. In spite of everything I’ve gone through, I will fail to recognise the evils a friendly face can hide. Sometimes it’s the people who want to be closest to you that you should be most afraid of. They’re the ones who know your secrets. Who want to make you pay.


Publication Date: January 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

7 Responses

  1. When we are tied into a book professionally, it makes a big difference. I can’t imagine what it would be like, as a doctor, to read a book like this. It probably took a strong cup of tea to get through parts of this one.

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