
Digital Reads Reviews

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This was quite a different book where it felt like a women’s fiction, but the story was basically from the POV of Dan.

Author Lucy Diamond in her new tale had crafted characters who were trying to make sense of their lives post the death of Patrick, a loving husband, son, and brother. It took Dan some time, but he decided to pull up his socks and help his sister-in-law and the kids.

The story was interesting, as the death itself was shrouded in mystery. New secrets popped up about Patrick’s life which kept me involved in their lives. But it was not as emotional as I expected it to be.

The characters too could be better fleshed out. The book could do with a dash of happiness too. But overall the premise was novel, and it had some interesting elements to keep me hooked.


Rating: 3.5 out of 5.


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When Patrick Sheppard suddenly and tragically dies, he leaves behind a family in pieces. Zoe has lost the love of her life. Ethan, Gabe and Beatrice have lost their larger-than-life dad. There’s a hole where Patrick should be and none of them can see a way forward.

For Patrick’s brother Dan, though: his mission is clear. He needs to help the Sheppards to find some sort of happy again, and he makes a promise to himself to try and come close to the man Patrick was. But as he immerses himself in the frantic school run, dishing up tea and sorting the bills, Dan begins to see he might not have known the man Patrick really was, underneath it all. His brother was keeping secrets.

Juggling his heartbroken family and the catastrophic truth that could break them all over again, Dan has to face what he’s been keeping from himself all this time: what really happened on the night that Patrick died.


Publication Date: February 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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