
Digital Reads Reviews

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Six friends, three couples, and a picturesque wedding. What could go wrong? Apparently murder and mayhem when long lost secrets and recent reveals brought them all out to the forefront.

Author Sandie Jones’s books had always intrigued me. I went into this with much gusto. Unfortunately, this entire book was formulaic, but I had hoped for great gossip from the gang. I expected it to start with a bang, but the women were mean to each other in the name of friendship.

The first half had only self recriminations and insecurities by lead characters who were apparently in their early 40s and needed botox. Sheesh!!

All 6 of them were varied, though how they remained friends was a mystery to be solved for another day. I would have walked away from this friendship long ago. But this was fiction, so it was allowed as it added to the thrill of pent up anger.

The book meandered most of its way, and the main lead got an opportunity to spew her venom. I cheered. Yayy!! At last something was happening here.

The ending was good predictable. Much ado about nothing. The (high) drama in this book was inversely proportional to the suspense (low). Sighhh… Must read some fun book next.


Rating: 3 out of 5.


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Six friends.

Rachel and Noah have been friends since they met at university. While they once thought that they might be something more, now, twenty years later, they are each happily married to other people, Jack and Paige respectively. Jack’s brother Will is getting married, to the dazzling, impulsive Ali, and the group of six travel to Portugal for their destination weekend.

Three couples.

As they arrive at a gorgeous villa perched on a cliff-edge, overlooking towering waves that crash on the famous surfing beaches below at Nazaré, they try to settle into a weekend of fun. While Rachel is looking forward to getting to know her future sister-in-law Ali better, Ali can’t help but rub many of the group up the wrong way: Rachel’s best friend Paige thinks Ali is attention-seeking and childish, and while Jack is trying to support his brother Will’s choice of wife, he is also finding plenty to disagree with Noah about.

One fatal misunderstanding . . .

But when Rachel discovers something about Ali that she can hardly believe, everything changes. As the wedding weekend unfolds, the secrets each of them hold begin to spill, and friendships and marriages threaten to unravel. Soon, jumping to conclusions becomes the difference between life and death.


Publication Date: May 2021

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail store, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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