
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Suzanne and Suzy Approved Book Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Ah this was simply so beautiful. The writing was clear, and it was quite obvious that the author is one strong woman who knew what she was talking about.

Jess at 45 found herself at a crossroad. Husband left for the opposite coast to set up home with another babe. Children were in college. Empty home and an empty heart. She was heartbroken, but her core of strength came to the forefront soon. And she started life again, stronger and more confident.

I loved everything about this book. My first book by Maren Cooper, each word showed me what we women were all about. You can push us down, but we come back ready to fight and take you on. Having undergone heartbreak and a ghosted relationship, I understood Jesse’s pain. I felt it keenly in my heart. But her friends rallied around her, and I thought that was what really saved her. A place to cry under the protection and loving care of her friends.

What I really liked about Maron’s writing was that Jess was really intelligent, working in health care, helping in mergers. I loved the way the main character did not allow her personal life to mess up her professional. Been there, done that. And that’s why I loved the book. It resonated with me. It felt like a reflection as well as a mirror. It gave me peace and felt like a beacon of light when I have been down.

Strength and determination shone through the pages filling me with hope for a brighter and better tomorrow. I just held my kindle for a few moments hugging the book, my heart warmed and soothed.

I received a free ARC from Suzy and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Maren Cooper grew up in the Midwest and now resides in Minnesota. During her long career as a health services executive, she led a number or organizations in their efforts to respond to the challenges of new, competitive business models. A lifelong reader, she recently discovered the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis and began taking classes, and slowly unearthed the aspiring writer inside her. She writes best on the shores of Lake Superior, where she retreats frequently to hike, watch the deer devour her hosts, and needlepoint.

Jess Lawson, a forty-five-year-old healthcare consultant, wife, and mother of two, has spent most of her adulthood fostering the illusion of having a perfect life. Her impending empty-nest syndrome as her youngest child prepares to start college is troubling enough, but when her doctor husband, Arthur, announces his intention to take a prestigious new job on the other side of the country—and relocate with-out Jess—her world quickly crumbles.

Amid their acrimonious divorce, revelations about Arthur’s infidelity come to light; and at work, instead of the revitalized ca-reer Jess is hoping for, she uncovers surprising financial corruption that threatens a scandal for her client—and the well-being of the many unsuspecting patients and physicians they serve.

Ultimately, this superwoman is forced to acknowledge that her put-together veneer can’t hold up under the weight of these new burdens. She also, however, refuses to wallow in victimhood. So what now?

Publication Date: 28th May 2019

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