
Digital Reads Reviews

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My Review

Sexual abuse – easiest to accuse someone and the most difficult for the accused to prove innocence. Michael J. Malone’s book showed both sides of the coin with equal understanding and pathos.

Smooth writing and a plotline which pulled me in from the first line made this one of my addictive reads.

I genuinely left all work just to complete this book. I needed to know the truth. Was Damaris telling me the truth? Was her neighbor, Dave the abuser? Was his girlfriend Amelie wrong in standing by his side? What about Damaris’s parents, had they been affected by this?

The story encompassed all that and more. Accusations, truth, betrayal, different memories, emotions, and the biggest of all – trial by public opinion on social media were all dealt with judiciously. The topic was difficult and had far-reaching consequences, with the author dividing them into different timelines and a final section in the present, tying them all together.

Flawless writing led me gently into the tale, evoking sympathy for the main characters. And each one had been developed with loving care by the author. The title was apt and spoke well for the characters.

The accuser, a 11-year-old child struggled to have her voice heard in the cacophony. The accused had his lonely road of proving his innocence seemed insurmountable. The girlfriend, whose boyfriend was the accused, whose neighbor was the accuser had no one to turn to. In their bubble of isolation, each one wanted to survive and make sense of the world they were thrown into.

In the entire story, there was something haunting about this song when I first heard its faint intonation. A ring of truth, struck strong but faint in the beginning pages until it clanged in decibels my ears couldn’t believe at the end.

A tale intriguing was this that everyone ought to read to understand the nuances of life when such an accusation was made.

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Book Links

Disclaimer: This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I may earn a small commission for purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store.

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/361gpOc

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/33WJmbs

Amazon India: https://amzn.to/33ViWH0

Book Blurb

In this breathtakingly brutal and intensely topical psychological thriller, a man is accused of child sexual abuse, and his life and that of his actress girlfriend are thrown into turmoil…

Film star Amelie Hart is the darling of the silver screen, appearing on the front pages of every newspaper. But at the peak of her fame she throws it all away for a regular guy with an ordinary job. The gossip columns are aghast: what happened to the woman who turned heads wherever she went? Any hope the furor will die down are crushed when Amelie’s boyfriend Dave is arrested on charges of child sexual abuse. Dave strongly asserts his innocence, and when Amelie refuses to denounce him, the press witch hunt quickly turns into physical violence, and she has to flee the country.

While Dave is locked up with the most depraved men in the country and Amelie is hiding on the continent, Damaris, the victim at the center of the story, is isolated ; a child trying to make sense of an adult world.Breathtakingly brutal, dark and immensely moving,

A Song of Isolation looks beneath the magpie glimmer of celebrity to uncover a sinister world dominated by greed and lies, and the unfathomable destruction of innocent lives … in an instant.

Book Details

Publication Date: July 2020

Many thanks to Anne and random Things tours for my spot on this Blog Tour. I received an ARC from the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

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