
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Boldwood Books for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Lucy Coleman is the author of expansive romance. Her books always have something more than romance. Emotions seep through her words, and before you know you are swept away in the power of her descriptions.

This was the story of Lexie and Roman’s love, but it was so much more too. It was her grandmother’s journey into the garden of Versailles and learning the truth about life and nature. Lexie was a TV producer filming the gardens. Ronan was the translator as well as an occasional cameraman. Along with love, there was a mystery left to be unfurled with each diary hidden in her grandma’s box.

Having read many books by this author, each so different from the other, I knew I was getting to see another side of hers with this writing. The book was larger than life with its detailed descriptions. The gardens came alive, bringing nature into the story.

Love and romance along with seeing the truth and forgiveness were well intertwined with a story which also dealt with messy families and rash decisions. I loved how the emotions encompassed the corners of the books, leaving me no doubt at the sheer talent of this author to bring that extra layer to the story.

I am a big fan of this author, and all I can say is – See you in a little bit with another story of hers.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Paris and the Palace of Versailles have always meant a lot to TV producer Lexie. Her grandma Viv spent a year there, but her adventures and memories were never discussed, and Lexie has long wondered why they were a family secret.

When work presents the perfect excuse to spend Springtime in Versailles, Lexie delves into Viv’s old diaries and scrapbooks, and with the help of handsome interpreter Ronan, she is soon learning more about the characters that tend to the magnificent gardens, now and in the past.

In amongst the beauty and splendour of the French countryside, a story of lost love, rivalry and tragedy unfolds. Can Lexie and Ronan right the wrongs of the past, and will France play its tricks on them both before Lexie has to go home? Will this truly be a Springtime to Remember…

Publication Date: 26th December 2019

Publisher: Boldwood Books

13 Responses

  1. I’m so glad that you reviewed this one. I have only read 1 or 2 by this author but I enjoyed her writing very much. Somehow she got overlooked in my author list that I keep so I’m adding her and the book to my list. Great review as always!

  2. Ah, Shalini – just back from a long journey after trip visiting family, and catching up. So overwhelmed by your wonderful review, my tiredness has simply deserted me. Thank you so much, lovely, for taking the time to be on the tour – it means a lot! Lucy/Linn xx

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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