Digital Reads Reviews

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My Review

A murder mystery is always a pleasure to read be it set in present times or 1920, a hundred years ago. Lady Eleanor Swift was back again doing what she does best, being an amateur detective. Author Verity Bright did a wonderful job to bring her to life, set in times when life for women was at the cusp of a change.

A dinner and an allergic reaction found Lord Aris drop right into the dessert plate. The cook was blamed, and it was Lady Eleanor to the rescue.

The beginning scene was quite humorous which went on to show me that, even with a title, Eleanor was the best person she could be, kind and gentle with a keen eye and not so keen posture.

Having decided to investigate the murder, it didn’t take long for this talented lady to start interviewing people. Being ably assisted by the butler Clifford, the two went about finding new ways to help the cook.

The writing was apt, the visual imagery from the words perfect. Humor was combined with intelligence. I, especially loved her banter with Clifford. Romance was hinted, though I was never keen on it in a murder mystery. The cop had a dashing flair, I must admit. I liked him in the earlier book too.

Several suspects and a few twists along with a polite kickass heroine made this an entertaining read.

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Book Links

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Book Blurb

A medieval house, a dead body and some rather suspicious chocolate fudge? Call for Lady Swift!

Autumn, 1920. Lady Eleanor Swift, accidental amateur detective and retired explorer, is determined to take a break from investigating murders. So when a local politician dies suddenly at an elegant dinner party at Farrington Manor, she tries her hardest not to listen to the raft of rumours around the village that he might have been poisoned by the fudge. It’s the anniversary of the disappearance of her beloved parents and she’s promised herself not to get mixed up with any more mysteries. She isn’t sure they’d have approved.

But when she arrives home to discover that Mrs Pitkin, the kindly cook from Farrington Manor, has been dismissed without wage or reference because the police consider her a suspect, Eleanor knows she needs to act. If there was a murder, then she needs to track down the culprit and clear Mrs Pitkin’s name.

Accompanied by her faithful partner in crime, Gladstone the bulldog, who has the best nose for sniffing out bones in the country, Eleanor sets out to find the killer. And when another body turns up and she finds poisoned fudge in the victim’s house, Eleanor knows she’s on the right track. But can she sort the truth from the lies before she becomes a witness to another murder – this time rather closer to home?

Book Details

Publication Date: September 2020

Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour. I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

6 Responses

  1. Hi Lady Shalini (I can’t think of you as anything else, now)
    Thank you once again for a lovely review, really glad you enjoyed the book 🙂

  2. Hi Lady Shalini, not sure my first comment was saved? Just wanted to make sure I thanked you for such a wonderful review 🙂

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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