
Digital Reads Reviews

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A lone postcard found by a TSA agent started the doubt about something catastrophic happening on one of the flights. Homeland Security was called, and everyone on the passenger and crew list was analyzed until they reached a result which would cost the lives of the passengers. Now it was upto the pilot Helen and Ben at the Homeland office to find a way out.

Reading a Danielle Steel after a long time, many years in fact, and it was like coming home. I chose this book as I wanted to feel the air rushing through me as the flight and its passengers faced a life and death situation.

I loved that the author dedicated the book to the people who help us fly safe, and it was wonderful knowing how hard they worked in tandem at every moment to prevent catastrophic events.

The book started slow, giving me time to get used to all the characters and plotting them in my mind. I had to admit that Danielle Steel made it so easy, even when I was listening to the audiobook. At no point did I get confused.

The story slowly built up the suspense as the ground investigation brought home some ugly truths, and it was left to Helen to bring all the passengers home. Every character was etched clearly, giving me their emotions and information about their personal lives. The professionalism about the crew had to be applauded.

The prose had some tense moments where I couldn’t stop listening. I had to know – Would all of them be saved? The only niggle was that the ending was extremely detailed where I knew every single detail of the characters. That could have been kept sharp. The narrator was male, and I thought the audiobook would have been better if it had been a female voice. Or that might be my personal preference.

The story was quite entertaining; the voice was rich with emotions as it narrated the tale of what happened one day in the lives of the passengers and crew of flight A-321.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/3fJmjGz

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/36jTnSN

AUDIBLE USA: https://amzn.to/39nxrbe

AUDIBLE UK: https://amzn.to/3legfXR


A decorated former Air Force pilot. A pregnant flight attendant. A dedicated TSA agent. The fates of these three, and many others, converge in Danielle Steel’s gripping new novel—a heart-stopping thriller that engages ordinary men and women in the fight of their lives during a flight from New York to San Francisco.

On a beautiful May morning at New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, two planes have just departed for San Francisco—one a 757, another a smaller Airbus A321. At a security checkpoint, TSA agent Bernice Adams finds a postcard of the Golden Gate Bridge bearing an ambiguous—perhaps ominous—message. Her supervisor dismisses her concerns, but Bernice calls security and soon Ben Waterman arrives. A senior Homeland Security agent, still grappling with guilt after a disastrous operation in which hostages were killed, Ben too becomes suspicious. Who left the postcard behind, which flight is that person on, and what exactly does the message mean?

As Ben scans the passenger manifests, his focus turns to the A321, with Helen Smith as its senior pilot. Helen’s military service and her tenure with the airline have been exemplary. But her husband’s savage death in Iraq was more than anyone should bear, leaving her widowed with three children. A major film star is on board. So is an off-duty pilot who has just lost his forty-year career. So is a distraught father, traveling with the baby son he has abducted from his estranged wife. Sifting through data and relying on instinct, Ben becomes convinced that someone on Helen’s plane is planning something terrible. And he’s right. Passengers, crew, and experts on the ground become heroes out of necessity to try to avert tragedy at the eleventh hour.


Publication Date: 2018

I downloaded the audiobook, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

9 Responses

  1. Sounds very interesting, as near its on the reality. Thank you for reviewing, so nice. Now i can imagine the new Shalini, with Pods in the ears, listening to an audiobook, and the eyes on another story. Seems now you are really multitasking. 😉 Have a beautiful weekend! Michael

  2. I have read one of her books and really liked it, then the next had more explicit sex than I care to read about. So I abandoned her books. I know she has quite a following, and I can see why. She is an excellent storyteller. This sounds like a good one.

    1. I have been reading since her first book, the sex was intense in those initial books. Then it slowed down, now her books have hardly any sex but quite a bit of description. I wanted a fast thriller. This was good as a turbulent novel, hoping to find more flight thrillers

  3. I haven’t read a Danielle Steel in so many years! My mom has a huge collection of Danielle Steel’s books and I ended up reading a lot of them. Your review made me want to read this one! 😀

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