
Digital Reads Reviews

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Some books had to be read to really understand the beauty of it. This one by author Fiona Higgins blew me away with the concept where a neurodiverse boy on the spectrum was accused of an unmentionable incident.

My first foray into the author’s writing, I got a vivid picture of how life was for a mother with 3 kids, with an absentee father, and who was working too. Life was a matter of dealing with the individual mini-crisises of the day and keeping them safe.

Jackson, the middle child, was different from birth. He did headstands; he remembered some things suddenly; he phoned his dead granny. He was pure innocence as his brain was wired that way with inane curiosity at times.

The author slowly built up their lives with alternate chapters from Mother Julia and Jackson’s POV, until the day when Jackson diverted from his path.

With the cops involved, the story turned. I was ready to throw my fists at the mother for not understanding how to get the truth from the son, the cops at their slipshod methods, and the absentee father who suddenly appeared to lord over them.

The writing brought out the hidden nuances. It was enlightening to see how the mind of a child so different from others worked. But there was a niggle or two. The chapters didn’t have a heading, I didn’t know whose POV I was reading. I found that distracting to switch over. I wanted more of my emotions to be evoked.

The story transformed beautifully when the family finally settled and the truth was laid bare. Jackson truly was an unusual boy, an angel from heavens, with the blessing of his granny.

A sweet read. Go on… Try it.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


AMAZON USA: https://amzn.to/391sKSK

AMAZON UK: https://amzn.to/3nbkuo5 (only 99p today)


Julia Curtis is a busy mother of three, with a husband often away for work, an ever-present mother-in-law, a career, and a house that needs doing up. Her fourteen-year-old daughter, Milla, has fallen in love for the first time, and her youngest, Ruby, is a nine-year-old fashionista who can out-negotiate anyone.But Julia’s eleven-year-old son, Jackson, is different. Different to his sisters. Different to his classmates. In fact, Jackson is different from everyone. And bringing up a child who is different isn’t always easy.Then, one Monday morning, Jackson follows his new friend Digby into the school toilets. What happens inside changes everything; not only for Jackson, but for every member of his family. Julia faces the fight of her life to save her unusual boy from a world set up for ‘normal’.


Publication Date:

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

4 Responses

  1. Awesome review Shalini. Having a neurodiverse grandson, this book is calling to me. I have found an audiobook of this one and have put a hold on it.

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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