
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Sarah and Stuart, Gotcha!!

If you have read the earlier post, that was the first thought that came to mind when I finished the book.

Scroll 👇 for the detailed thoughts!!

This was an absolute complete thrillathon where every chapter had something new to make me wonder what more the author Stuart James had in his bag of tricks.

Meagan was in an abusive relationship. She met Oliver, they liked each other, so she asked Oliver for a huge favor…

My first book by Stuart James, and he was bloody brilliant. Man, the things he came out with, the scenes he wrote, I never could have predicted. And here I thought I have read it all. Never had I been so glad to be pitched into a storm where the subplots kept me hopping with the intense suspense.

The story was exciting and kept me on the edge, filled with misdirections. I thought I knew what the author would write, I would grow comfortable watching the scene unfurl, then BAM…. I would be hit by a twist. My heart rate too would go up and down with it. A massive workout from the couch.

I wished I could write the things I want to say but it would be a spoiler. But rest assured, the book was delicious, just perfect to be my breakfast read. What a way to start my day.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

An abusive husband.
A woman desperate to escape.
A stranger willing to put his life on the line.
A grave mistake they may live to regret.
Would you have the courage to leave?
Be careful what you wish for…

When Meagan was five years old her mother was viciously attacked and murdered.

Now an adult, she herself is the victim of an abusive relationship. Meagan is desperate to escape but doesn’t have the courage to leave.

So, when Meagan meets Oliver, a guy on the rebound after a failed relationship, the two strike up a connection. But when Meagan confesses that her husband is abusive, it leads Oliver down a dark and dangerous path.

Just how far would you go to protect someone?

Publication Date: January 2020

32 Responses

  1. Sounds so good isn’t it hard to gush about a brilliant thriller when you can literally mention nothing for giving spoilers away ha, it sounds one to add to my wishlist though thank you for a fab review

  2. Had missed your reviews,Shalini. This sounds like an intense read. Haven’t had a couch workout in a while, I will look out for this title. Fab review!

  3. I wish I had more time to read more books. A thrillathon, definitely pulls me to add this one. It sounds really good, wonderful review Shalini.

  4. I don’t like to read about abusive relationships, but this does sound like a thriller on steroids. I’m glad you had a good breakfast read, but I have to admit that I’m not sure what constitutes that for you.🙃 I thought something engaging, but gentle?

    1. I love you back. Hehehe… Actually it wasn’t…. I wanted to write only the other one… Unfortunately everyone wants two paragraphs minimum… Sheesh

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