
Digital Reads Reviews

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What a story!! Different plot arc, the book captured my interest with the first page where a lost tourist found a lone cabin with a stabbed man bleeding on the floor, a mute, shocked woman holding a knife and blood all over her, and a missing child who was told to run away. Wow!!

I was immediately captured into the web of emotions spun by author Nicole Trope as she brought home the story written in 3 POVs. I especially loved Theo’s version. It was captivating to learn how his neurodiverse brain worked. He found a shelter in place with elderly Rose, who had her own story.

It was sheer talent to see how the author weaved the stories together, bringing the characters together in a vivid tapestry. I loved their transformation down the pages as each shone a different shade of light. Family was everything, and they soon understood the significance of it when they came so close to losing each other.

I would have loved more emotions to make me cry. Certain lines by Theo did bring me to the gooey soft side. But no actual tears fell from the eyes. But that was just me demanding a complete heart wrench.

The story was swift paced with twists and scenes that hit hard along with building up of suspense just like the rains which wiped away all the clues in the story. A raging storm fest.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


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Where is he? Where’s my beloved child with his father’s blue eyes and a halo of golden curls? My little boy is out there on his own. Please keep him safe, I silently beg, please, please just keep him safe.

‘Your son is missing,’ they say, and life as I know it is over. ‘Where would he go?’ the police ask. ‘Where would he be?’ my daughter begs.

My heart races as images flash in my mind. The cabin we rent every autumn, surrounded by fiery red maple trees. Voices raised. Tears falling. A marriage falling apart. And worst of all my husband telling our child, Theo, to run.

The rest is a blank in my memory. If I close my eyes I can almost see it. A betrayal that has left me alone, in tatters, grieving for what we had.

It wasn’t meant to be like that. It should have been precious time as a family, with boardgames, walks in the mountain and pancakes for breakfast.

Instead my little one has vanished. ‘They are looking for him,’ the nurse told me, ‘but the storm is slowing down the search.’

The police think Theo has the answers, that he knows what tore our family apart. But I have no idea where he is. No clue if he is safe. And that’s the most terrifying thing of all…


Publication Date: March 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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