
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Megan and publisher Boldwood Books for my spot on this Blog Tour.

This book was so cunning... I could have never ever dreamt that something with the sweetest cover would play such a game with me. And I was the one who read wicked thrillers. Do you know what it did? IT PULLED ME IN WITH THE FIRST LINE!! And I FELL FOR IT HOOK LINE AND SINKER.

Jenny had moved to the countryside after major issues at work (read one lying bastard of a boss and a betraying sister). A ramshackle cottage was what waited for her. Trying to get some DIY done on the house, she found herself to a nanny of 5 boisterous kids. Neighbor to a cankerous man Mack, she soon learned to traverse the dips of her life to find the high of living it once again with renewed spirit.

This beautiful story by author Beth Moran was what I would call a home. It took me into its loving arms and made me feel as if I belonged in its pages. The characters were warm and whacky. The situations made me laugh.. The loving book club was out of control. The house was broken down with rats in the shed. But the neighbor was so dreamy. A good compensation I would say!!

I loved Jenny; she brought life to this story. She bared her emotions to me when things overwhelmed and bewildered her. Her humor was like like a spark, caught me unawares. The friends she made were real, same issues as you and me My eyes followed her as she swept through the pages.

Romance was a bit dimmed, but I didn’t mind that. (read I am off romance and I hate love). The rest of the book sure uplifted my world weary soul. I enjoyed it completely. Humor and friendships with a dash of love, perfect for a cozy afternoon.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Beth Moran initially worked as a biochemist and then taught antenatal classes before becoming an author. She loves to write contemporary women`s fiction set in and around Sherwood Forest, where she lives with her family

When Jenny inherits her estranged grandmother’s cottage in Sherwood Forest, she has nothing to lose – no money, no job, no friends, no family to speak of, and zero self-respect. Things can only get better…

Her grumpy, but decidedly handsome new neighbour, Mack, has a habit of bestowing unsolicited good deeds on her. And when Jenny is welcomed into a rather unusual book club, life seems to finally be getting more interesting.

Instead of reading, the members pledge to complete individual challenges before Christmas: from finding new love, learning to bake, to completing a daredevil bucket list. Jenny can’t resist joining in, and soon a year of friendship and laughter, tears and regrets unfolds in the most unexpected ways.

Publication Date: 17th September 2019

Publisher: Boldwood Books

25 Responses

  1. Seeing the book-cover I thought it was some chick-lit or something but damn, your review! NOW I HAVE TO READ IT! LOVED THE REVIEW, Shalini! <3

  2. I love that the book sucked you in from the start. But, this…”I am off romance and I hate love?” WHAT? No, no, no, missy! That is the wrong attitude. I am glad the book helped lift your weary soul. But please don’t go hating on love. Be positive, my dear. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Do I need to stuff you on a plane and ship you over here so I can help you find the perfect man? 🙂 Don’t give up. I used to be a negative person until I discovered the the power of positive thought. Now I always try to be positive and you should, too. (After all the shit I’ve been through, I can attest that positively really works) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    I’m just editing today…trying to fix all the screw-ups my favorite beta reader pointed out to me. 🙂 Where would I be without Shalini? 🙂

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