
Digital Reads Reviews

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To me cozy = being enveloped by the softest, most gentle blanket of love. There is nobody in this blogging world who gives me this kind of feeling other than Nina. She is one of the sweetest person, most accepting, someone I would say is the coziest friend I have. So Nina, all my cozy reads are dedicated to you henceforth.

Class Reunions are murder by Libby Klein

The author Libby Klein came highly recommended, hence this weekend is filled with two of her books. And I am so glad to say that I enjoyed this first book in the series.

The story goes hence, a 25 year reunion of High School, where Barbie and her gang are still the bullies till Barbie is found dead and Poppy our main character is the arrested. To prove her innocence and to be proactive, Poppy and her best friend Sawyer along with Aunt Ginny go on an investigative quest to find the real killer. The 3 investigators Sawyer, Aunt Ginny, and Poppy are the fabulous trio, though Aunt Ginny is in a class of her own, she is just too cute. 80 year old going salsa dancing and skating on the road is a sight to see!!

After a long time I am reading a fully cozy book, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. The plots and sub plots with Aunt Ginny, the old second chance romance and the new romance added to the flavor of this read.

I liked Poppy, she developed from a character who was an escapist, who just wanted to eat and sleep away her days after her husband’s death to someone who took charge of her life (with a great shove from Aunt Ginny). It was empowering to read.

The part where my emotions of pure raw rage came spewing forth was when the high school bullies, even after twenty five years, bullied Poppy and her friends and body shamed them. One part of me was glad the main bully, the wicked witch (note that I want to put a B here) was dead.

Author’s acknowledgement at the beginning

To all of those who bullied me in high school – I win

I agree, Libby Klein is fabulous!!

The book had many humorous moments especially with the cat Figaro and Aunt Ginny. So a pleasant cozy way of spending Sunday afternoon. Ah yes, I was pleasantly surprised with the identity of killer. This book was pure enjoyment with rest to my grey cells.

I loved this

Author’s acknowledgement at the beginning

For all the chunky girls who try really hard for minimal results, we’re beautiful just the way we are

Now on to Book 2 by Libby Klein

My rating : 4.5 stars

About the Author

Libby Klein dabbles in the position of Vice President of a technology company which mostly involves bossing other people around, making spreadsheets, and taking out the trash. She writes culinary cozy mysteries from her Northern Virginia office while trying to keep her cat Figaro off her keyboard.

Book blurb

Newly widowed and stuck in a middle-aged funk, Poppy has been running on cookies, infomercials, and one-sided chats with her cat for months. There’s no way on earth she’s attending her twenty-five-year class reunion—especially after receiving a very bizarre letter from Barbie, the popular cheerleader who taunted her all through high school. At least, not until Poppy’s best friend practically drags her to the event . . .

Using the dreaded homecoming as an excuse to visit her eccentric Aunt Ginny, Poppy vows to leave Cape May with pride and Spanx intact. Too bad Barbie is still the queen of mean at the reunion. And worse, that her dead body is lying right in front of Poppy’s old locker. Singled out as the killer, it’s up to Poppy to confront her past and clear her name. But between protecting her aunt from disaster and tackling a gluten-free diet, can Poppy crack the case before she’s voted “Most Likely to Die” by the murderer?

Product Details

Publication date : 30th January, 2018

Publisher : Kensington

Cozy Poppy and Ginny

37 Responses

  1. What a great acknowledgement!! I love the message in this book! A cozy read with a deep and meaningful message?! MY MIND IS BLOW!! Aunt Ginny’s romance sounds adorable. I may have to snuggle up and read this one!!
    Also, every time I read a cozy review I think of Nina! Great dedication, she’s so amazing. 😀😊💖💖😻

        1. Hahaha you are not the same… But Nina has to decide semester or some such stuff for kids… Someone will be doing that for you… So you will know when you join

          1. Ha ha!! True enough… I’ve been having a hard time getting ready for my time at school… You know what’s REALLY STUPID to do if you’re a technological idiot?? SIGNING UP FOR ONLINE COURSES!! I’ve been so lost trying to sign on to things and sign up for classes… So far I have 1 class… I can’t seem to figure out how to sign up for more! It’s been very frustrating… 😒

          2. Nope! I have to do it online as the place I was accepted is too far away for me to get to campus. Plus, online gives me more time to be able to have at least a part time job.

          1. Ha ha!! I forget that Ploka dot Door was a very Canadian thing. It was a children’s show with a character named Polkaroo. There was one character who would always miss Polkaroo (as the man played this character)

  2. What a fabulous review! I should read this one, I have a “major” reunion coming up this year that I don’t want to attend. Oh wait, I haven’t attended any of them yet – LOL!

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