
Digital Reads Reviews

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This post contains affiliate links for products and services I recommend. If you make a purchase through those links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

My Review

I love when author Mel Sherrat writes as Marcie Steele. This book was like a breath of fresh air, a gentle breeze after the tempest of life, awakening those tendrils of hope which had lain hidden for so long.

The writing, oh what do I say about it? It was powerful, emotional, filled with a life of its own. The author’s mastery over words became evident when I found a tear coursing down my cheek. Love between sisters was palpable and made me long to meet mine.

Livvy left home 20 years ago, and now she was back with a teen in tow. Back home to Somerley, to her sister Hannah. This book was about them reconnecting with each other. Reasons of the past clashed with those of the present, and a story emerged.

I was Team Hannah from book 1 as there was something endearing about her. Livvy took time to win me over. That was also due to the fact that she left her family in a lurch when they really needed her. For me, family came first. The bond between them as it became stronger in each page made me sigh and smile.

The caring shown in the prose was the way it ought to be with sisters. The sisters loved each other, that was the core of the book, and it was the same love that was reflected in my heart for my sister. This was one story that touched me in multitude of ways.

This was book 2, and to love and connect with characters, book 1, The Man Across The Street ought to be read. Check out my review here.

The author wrote some great contrasts in the men. One was the dream guy; and the other, not so much. Friendships old and new was explored. Story moved by itself as I got immersed in the sisters. So many emotions overflowed. I was filled to the brim with goodness.

A book like this was needed when life became tough. A beautiful book. I wish I could order you to read it. You can’t go wrong with author Mel Sherrat/Marcie Steele’s books though a part of me likes Marcie’s books more.

A heartwarming read, this book brought to the heart a life affirming emotion – hope. We all need it so much now!! Read both the books in the series, you won’t be disappointed. They are like rays of sunshine healing a cold bruised heart.

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Book Links

Disclaimer: This is an Amazon Affiliate link. I may earn a small commission for purchases made through this link at no extra cost to you at the Kindle and Audible store. Check out the Amazon bestsellers 2020 here on this link.

Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3hN7jXN

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/33KDjql (only 99p today)

Amazon India: https://amzn.to/2ZSn5ui (only Rs 93)

Book Blurb

Step across the cobblestones, pull back the curtains and peek behind the doors in the second instalment of The Hope Street Series. Catch up with old friends and fall in love with new ones in a story of friendship, second chances and new beginnings.

Livvy has no choice but to return to Hope Street, the childhood home she left over twenty years ago. Along with her sixteen-year-old daughter, Pip, she turns up on the doorstep, hoping for forgiveness from her sister.

Hannah thought she’d never see Livvy again. She’s overwhelmed with emotion but locks away her real feelings. How could Livvy stay away without any contact? And why has she come back now?

It isn’t long before the charm of the market town of Somerley begins to work its magic. Hannah is opening a book shop in the square, adjoining The Coffee Stop, and Livvy’s offer to help out brings the sisters closer together.

But when someone from Livvy’s past arrives unannounced too, he threatens everything she’s built up since her return. Can Livvy convince her sister, and her new friends, that her intentions to return were good ones? Or will her dreams of settling down and being happy again become nothing but a closed book?

Book Details

Publication Date: September 2020

Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour. I received an ARC from Sarah and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

8 Responses

    1. This was so beautiful. I lacked the words to describe the story and its emotions. Only one fact came to mind, I missed my sister and her family

  1. Having read and loved the first book in this new series, it was a given that I would want to read Coming Home to Hope Street! And it was lovely to be back in Somerley again! I adored the previous Somerley series so once again I felt at home in the town that I got to know so well previously and as the characters passed local landmarks memories came flooding back.

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