
Digital Reads Reviews

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OMG. What a book!! Absolutely perfect, I would say. The emotions, the words, the scenes all captured my heart, shattered it and joined it back again with a soothing glow. An escape from the world crisis was what this book was, and I thank author Jessica Redland for giving me moments where I could experience my emotions completely.

Clare refused to return to Ireland due to events of the past. But when work forced her to go, she had to face her past with a bang, especially when a letter from great-aunt Nuala brought home certain soul-breaking truths.

Having read many books by this author, I knew I was in for an emotional ride. What I didn’t know was how I would be sucked into the story from the get-go, connecting to the main character Clare in a way I had not been able to, in recent times.

The words chosen by the author were juxtaposed so aptly that the powerful imagery it gave overpowered my senses and immersed me into the depths of the story. I didn’t know I would feel my emotions so keenly. This was the most I had reacted for a Jessica Redland book.

Family and friendship, forgiveness and second chances were the themes the story was based on. But the real core of the book was author Jessica Redland’s sheer talent in pulling off the different genre in one. There was mystery and suspense, romance and relationship, twists and humor. What stood out for me was the strength of a woman to overcome all the strives and forgive herself and the others.

A brilliant book from a brilliant author, she is soon becoming the Queen of my emotions.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Since the age of sixteen, Clare O’Connell has lived her life by four strict rules:
1. Don’t talk about Ireland
2. Don’t think about Ireland
3. Don’t go to Ireland
4. Don’t let anyone in

And so far, it’s worked well. She’s got a great career, amazing friends, and she’s really happy. The future is all that counts, isn’t it?

However Clare is about to realise that you can run from the past, but you can’t always hide from it…

When her boss insists she travels to Ireland for work, Clare finds herself drawn back to the village of Ballykielty – the home of her family, and the home of her secrets. The one place where vowed never to return to again…

With the door to her past now wide open, the first three rules have gone out of the window. Will Clare stick to rule number four?

Can she be brave and face up to her family and the demons of her past?

Publication Date: 12th March 2020

52 Responses

  1. That cover just calls to me! Maybe because I am missing the beach or because Ireland is one of those places on my bucket list to visit. Sounds like an amazing book that I will be putting on my TBR. Great review, Shalini!

  2. Look here… this book is amazing. I think it’s my favourite of Jessica’s. I was glued to it when I picked it up last year. Talk about ALL the feels!! I want to reread it as the new release.. Hopefully soon. So glad you loved it too! So glad I introduced you to the beauty of Jessica’s books 😂

  3. Oh, wow, Shalini! I’ve been absolutely bogged down with the day job all day and I’ve taken a pause after my tea and spotted this. What a lovely surprise and what a delicious review that has absolutely given me all the feels! So thrilled you enjoyed this. Your view means such a lot to me and I am so delighted my the comments about the different genres. That is such a wonderful accolade. This is one of my favourites. I loved Clare the moment I created her earlier in the series and was dying to write her story and discover why she was aloof. Hope you’re doing well and thank you again. You’re so good to me xxx

    1. Aww thank you so much ❤️ sorry for delayed response. I slipped and fell an d bruised parts I shouldn’t have… 😂 😂 😂 So was on bed rest

        1. Ditto… I blame you for the unusual books I am searching for and Amazon thinks that’s what is the norm and sends me bucket loads of recommendations

  4. Hello Shalini,
    Thanks for your reviews, which help me in deciding my next read. Can this be read as stand alone?

    1. Hello Blue, yes it can be read as a standalone. I don’t remember the previous books, yet enjoyed this one a lot.
      To know the area and people in which the story is set, it would be more enjoyable if you go from the first part. It is like entering into a room which has your old friends. But I didn’t remember anyone so for me entering into the room with strangers was more interesting.

    2. Hi Blue, thank you for asking. The book is the final part in a 4-part series but I have written all of them so that they can be read as a standalone i.e. they don’t end on a cliffhanger and there’s enough insight into the previous stories that everything will make sense. I personally would recommend that books 2-4 are read in order as they follow 3 x friends and each has one woman as the main focus and they follow chronologically. Reading them out of order gives some spoilers but, as Shalini has said, reading them out of order hasn’t spoilt her enjoyment and I know another blogger who has read them out of order too and loved them all. Book 1 is a prequel so can be read at any point.
      Book 1 – Making Wishes at Bay View
      Book 2 – New Beginnings at Seaside Blooms
      Book 3 – Finding Hope at Lighthouse Cove
      Book 4 – Coming Home to Seashell Cottage
      Hope you do take a journey to Whitsborough Bay. Wishing you all the best
      Jessica x

  5. I just listened to this one and OMG, I loved it. You are so right Shalini, she is an extremely talented writer. This book had me on the edge of my seat one minute and in tears the next. A little while later, I was laughing and it all meshed together so well. I have to go back and read the previous books now.

    1. She is absolutely brilliant, soon getting to be the queen of emotions. There is so much warmth in her writing.
      I am so happy you loved it

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