
Digital Reads Reviews

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My review

This book made me realize what had been missing from my life – magic!! And there were just heaps of it, making me believe in the beauty of rainbow all over again.

Ana inherits her best friend Daisy’s camper van and decides to drive it back home from St. Felix to London. But coming to St. Felix was like coming to a magical place where the soul heals. And she meets the handsome Irish hunk of a mechanic Malachi, and a quiet antique dealer Noah, and quite a few of the town’s lovely residents.

This was my first book my author Ali McNamara, and what a soothing book it was. It made me believe in signs from the heavens, made me believe in the everlasting friendships, made me believe in magic. It was totally a feel good book, no grey characters.

I liked Ana in some ways. She did love her friend Daisy. And I liked how Malachi and St. Felix charmed her into staying. Her interactions with the people of the town often made me smile. The book revolved around finding old postcards in the camper van about an old love. I liked how Ana and Noah joined forces to solve the mystery and later joined forces in love.

But the book took me 4 days to read – why you ask? Oh my niggles; there can be too much of a good thing, too many of these heavenly signs. I would have liked to know more about Ana and Daisy’s friendship. Something more to add to the flavor, I just wanted the story to be a bit more layered

And I loved Malachi, he was an absolute dreamboat, a tattooed mechanic, with a heart of gold, a charm that never ended, and a hint of those angelic wings. Malachi made the book an exciting read!!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher Sphere, and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

My rating : 4 stars

About the Author

Ali McNamara attributes her over-active and very vivid imagination to one thing – being an only child. Time spent dreaming up adventures when she was young has left her with a head bursting with stories waiting to be told.

Ali lives in Cambridgeshire with her family and two Labradors. When she isn’t writing, she likes to travel, read, and people-watch, more often than not accompanied by a good cup of coffee. Her dogs and a love of exercise keep her sane!
To find out more about Ali visit her website: www.alimcnamara.co.uk or follow her on Twitter: @AliMcNamara

Book blurb

When Ana inherits a broken-down camper van from her best friend, she takes the chance for a quick trip to Cornwall – some sea air and fish and chips on the beach is just the tonic she needs.

But St Felix has bigger plans for Ana. She discovers a series of unsent postcards, dating back to the 1950s, hidden in the upholstery of the van. Ana knows that it’s a sign: she’ll make sure that the messages reach the person that they were meant for. And as the broken-down van is restored to gleaming health, so Ana begins to find her way back to happiness.

Product Details

Publication date : 14th June, 2018

Publisher : Sphere

Heavenly feel good book

40 Responses

    1. Hehehe.. Baby, if he had a bigger part… You and I will be having some fighting words…
      Yes I would have made you read his sexy parts… Though no sexy bits of his would have Benn revealed to you(I would blacken those lines hehehe 😉😉😂😂) . You are too dangerous

    2. But he was sensitive, sexy, thoughtful with well cut body, hints of tattoo on forearms, his smile would melt you, his grin would melt other parts. And he had angelic powers, and MAGIC
      OK where am I going to get such a man🙄🙄🤔🤔😉😉😂😂

        1. Excuse me, those are some fighting words just right there… That’s it.. I am throwing the glove Choose the weapon of your choice. Exactly 10 paces away, when the sun is right above, we duel
          Then can we get off the sun it is spiking my sin😉😉😂😂☀️☀️

          1. Hahaha since Eve has Roarke, hence I am just in lust with Malachi… Love is always Roarke… Back off girl..🔙📴😂😂
            What a weird emoji but read the words…
            The duel is on when you are okay

  1. Glad this one was such a wonderful read. Gotta love the feelgood books/movies 😊 Never grow tired of seeing those kind of films (or reading novels like that😊) Great post!

    1. Hey Michel… Yeahhh I don’t see movies but I used to like such magical love stories…
      These are fun reads… I am hoping my September reads are more fun…
      Thank you, kind sir

      1. Well the thing is…those magical kind of movies aren’t made as much anymore. These days you will be hardpressed to find a movie such as that, that contains that magical feel good feeling. I hope you will have some great reads in September 😊😊

        1. I hope so too… I have hardly read any book in August…. Sheesh… With so many things happening 😉😉😂😂 I was hard pressed to find time. I hope I can do better in September…
          Good morning Michel ☕☀️

          1. August really was a tough month. In a lot of ways.. I really, truly hope that September will be a better month for you. Will keep my fingers crossed for you!
            As for finding time..ugh…yeah…that really is a thing that would be very high on my list of priorities too 😊😊 Oh….and goodmorning to you too☕️😊

          2. Yes it is actually all okay… Michel life is meant to be played like this. Though we don’t like change, it is always the changes that make us appreciate and remember our life as we live it..
            A monotonous life is never going to be a life well lived… Humans never want change but change is the only thing happening in life. Every second that we live is different from the previous even when we are outwardly doing the same thing… So that is what I have learnt in the past few days.
            Try it all, if it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, it wasn’t meant to be. On to something new

          3. I think you are so right. And I do have to say for what it’s worth…I would not have wanted to miss it for the world. I still haven’t changed that, nor will I ever change that 😊 And it only means that there will be more change heading our way…in the future. And in my opinion change is what keeps life exciting. So I agree with what you wrote here. Thank you…for everything 😊

    1. Laleh, is it an intense read? Am I going to be emotional or cry, then I would like to read it in October. September is my fun read as I have had some bad occurrences in August. So I need a month to find my strength

        1. Laleh could you please send it via my Contact page here but only in mobi or epub format. I can’t read pdf. And do you have any specific date I should review it by?

  2. Too bad this wasn’t a picture book. 😁😁 It sounds like a good one, and magic is always good. I love the title of this one. I will have to see if I can find it. Great review Shalini.

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