
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Sarah and BOTBS Publicity for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Holly Smokes!! Author Noelle Holten has done it again, given us another detailed thriller, a police procedural through and through.

DC Maggie Jamieson was back, this time with chopped body parts of a woman whom Bill Raven, The Chopper, had already claimed as his kill and was in prison for. Now he made an appeal to the courts to be set free, and Maggie’s instincts told her that there was something more at play. Who would win?

My second book by this author, and I was blown away by the massive research and detailing she took on. Her careful etching of the main character Maggie had me looking at her with new eyes. There was confidence and determination along with tinges of vulnerability that made me respect her.

On the other end of the spectrum Chopper was as perverted as he could be. I loved the intelligence with which he’d planned the whole game. Yes, it was a game to him with Maggie as his focus. There was a fine balance between evil and goodness.

I was in absolute awe of the team around Maggie, they were the best support she could ask for. A special mention to DI Rutherford, DS Nathan, and Bethany. Every clue was painstakingly looked at and deciphered. But I had to admit, it was Maggie’s instincts and her keen eye that saved the day.

The to and fro between the good and evil, the way Raven played Maggie during interrogation, the race against time to find other women that he’d supposedly abducted and killed had me flicking through the pages through the night up to 4am. And the ending line of the book tore me to pieces. That I did not expect. A massive twist. Kudos, Noelle!!

I have this strange feeling that book 3 would be fabulous with Maggie blasting through. Bring it on. I’m so ready…

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

The serial killer is behind bars. But the murders are just beginning…

DC Maggie Jamieson’s past comes back to haunt her in this dark and gripping serial killer thriller.

Three missing women running out of time…

They were abducted years ago. Notorious serial killer Bill Raven admitted to killing them and was sentenced to life.

The case was closed – at least DC Maggie Jamieson thought it was…

But now one of them has been found, dismembered and dumped in a bin bag in town.

Forensics reveal that she died just two days ago, when Raven was behind bars, so Maggie has a second killer to find.

Because even if the other missing women are still alive, one thing’s for certain: they don’t have long left to live…

14 Responses

      1. Hanging in there…homeschooling my kids for the moment, staying at home, and trying to fit reading in where I can 😂, you’d think I’d have more time!!

  1. Sounds like another winner. I keep adding all these books to my TBR, but don’t get anymore time in my life to read them. I think I will check out Noelle’s books though as they have both had great reviews from you and others.

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