A fabulous book which fluttered and sighed all the way as I turned the pages of my kindle. A woman on the run and a woman lost were stories which traveled parallel in the realm of this fictional world. They were the same, yet different. Their lives were enmeshed in ways you wouldn’t believe. A hit and punch, a concussion and broken ribs, psychological and physical torture caused Beth to run away from the abusive husband. Sabine, a woman with a husband and a lover, too disappeared in the same afternoon. Who was the abusive husband and who was the lover? Cop Marcus was called to investigate.
A domestic noir written by author Kimberly Belle, caused by heart to pulse with excitement and fear for both Beth and Sabine. My mind started imagining and tracking their lives as the story unfolded. Seeing Beth survive day to day, planting false clues and red herrings for the abusive husband had me cheering and following her, ready with a helping hand. Kimberly Belle’s writing had me looking over my shoulder so that I could warn Beth long before the danger approached. But dang! How was I know that all was not as it seemed, and new tricks were being played right before my eyes!
My niggles did make their appearance, how could they not?! I guessed the plot at 40% book; I knew how the story was going to unfurl. But I knew the destination and not the journey.
And it was this journey which made this book so exciting. Read it in 3 hours. Had a blast on this hot humid afternoon.
I received an ARC from Edelweiss and publisher Park Row Books, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be read here
Beth Murphy is on the run…
For nearly a year, Beth has been plotting to leave her abusive husband. This is her one chance at freedom—one that requires a new look, new name and new city. Each part of her plan has to be carefully thought out, because one small slip and her violent husband will find her.
Sabine Hardison is missing…
A couple hundred miles away, Jeffrey returns home from a work trip to find his wife, Sabine, is missing. Wherever she is, she’s taken almost nothing with her. Her abandoned car is the only trace of her the police have to go on, and all signs point to foul play.
The detective on the case will stop at nothing to bring this missing woman home. Where is Sabine? And who is Beth? As Beth’s husband starts piecing together her whereabouts, she’ll have to make a decision about her future that will leave readers breathless.
Publication Date: 25th June 2019
Publisher: Park Row Books
45 Responses
Woo hoo! Glad to see you enjoyed the journey, Shalini! Can’t wait to get to this one. Wonderful review💜
Jonetta it was great fun… A ride
Nice review..! You write so well..
I’ve read Safe Haven that centered on domestic violence, and I have to admit it is always exciting to see how the wife escapes the husband’s reach…
Domestic violence gets to me gives me nightmares as it brings past into me.. But it was not so graphic so I could deal with it… It was pure fun ♥️
Oooh! This sounds really good. Another great review, Shalini! Hope all is well in your part of the world! Happy Wednesday! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Happy Wednesday… Last half hour left… All good Leslie ♥️
Great review, Shalini❤ I keep hearing good things about this one. I was a bit worried about the content, but now it’s definitely going on my tbr.
This was a fun book… There was physical abuse but not very graphic so I didn’t get nightmares
I love your niggles
And I love you 😘
This review is honest and making critical assessment easy going, tapping into the characters’ and book plot straight away without beating around the bush. You are on a reading roll, Shalini!
Hey Vishal thank you so much ❤️ how are you doing?
Fab review! It sounds like a great read.
Thank you so much Yvo ❤️how are you doing?
I’m doing fine thanks! A bit cold as the winter has definitely made an early appearance down here. xD You?
Here it is hot and humid, I am drained of energy most days
Humidity is the worst! Definitely drains you…
Great review, Shalini! I started reading this one today. 😀
Woohoo I hope you love it too
Sounds like another great escape book Shalini.☺️
It was a fun book Kim. Should be made into a movie
Great review Shalini. I have the audio bok of this one to read and am looking forward to it even more.
Thanks Carla I hope you love the book too ❤️
Glad you enjoyed it! I’m putting it on my list. I don’t mind if I figure the book out before its finish. As you say, the journey is fun too!
Exactly… I liked to be right so I was happy I was right.. I screamed out loud and got great satisfaction
Oh yay! I have this one on audio to review and I cannot wait!
Woohoo I hope you love it too 😘
Glad you had a blast with the journey, even if you guessed the destination. Great review!
It was pure fun when I got sideswiped
Getting out of domestic abuse alive—it shouldn’t be hard, but it is.😞
Getting out of any kind of abuse is hard.. I went through the psychological games in both my relationships.. Only when relationship broke up that I realized what it really was. For love, women take a lot of things… It has actually shaken me up that so many things have happened to me. Worst is that he didn’t return my money… I can’t add anything as I was left shocked at the sequence of events. And I thought I was an intelligent woman. Goes to show how easy it all is
Fab review, Shalini. 🙂 Definitely going into my TBR.
Thank you so much Debjani.. How are you doing?
I’m good, Shalini. 🙂 How are you?
All good ❤️
Great review, Shalini. I like what you said about knowing the destination Vs the journey. Glad this was a good read.
Thank you so much Diana ❤️
You are an intelligent woman, Shalini, and if you were taken it was because you loved and trusted. What you are supposed to do in a relationship. Shame on him! Great review and I can see you saw some of yourself in it. Domestic noir is a fairly new genre for me.
I always believed if he hurts you once, shame on him. If he hurts you again, shame on me. I don’t seem to follow that. No idea why I forgive so easily
Another great review Shalini and another book added to my TBR.
Thank you so much Misty ❤️
am yet to read it!
Hope you like it ❤️
I’ve been debating about this one. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it!
It was fun.. Maybe I am in that phase of mind where I need the woman to win..