
Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Blog Tours proudly presents Death Among Us, an anthology by various authors.


Anyone who knows me would perceive one thing from my reviews – my thriller-y heart. And what could be more thrilling than a book which had stories with death interwoven in the prose. They were all murder mysteries, some obvious, and some so subtle that it had me scrambling to find the clues.

Each section was prefaced by the author’s foreword, and that gave me a glimpse into their minds, what made them write a complete story in a few pages which I felt was the most difficult thing to do. Kudos to the authors for the commendable job!!

Each author had written a minimum of two stories which had not only death but a common denominator linking the stories. Some were historical, some futuristic, but each caused me to read it with an enthusiasm, longing for more, which was so befitting the Halloween month.

I got chills while reading some, goosebumps while reading others. I have to be frank, some made me laugh with an unholy glee. The darkness in the stories made me dance in the shadows of the prose. And each had a shocking last line!! Evil had never been written so well in an anthology, camouflaged as a simple murder mystery.

Honestly, I didn’t want character development or worldbuilding, I wanted murder mystery and clues to solve them. Some I could, which were obvious, but most had me scratching my head. The writing was smooth like whisky, made me feel complacent and nice until I was hit by a shocker. Naughty, naughty!!

How wicked were the minds of these authors to pen down DEATH in a few words AMONG these pages so that each story could thrill US!!

I downloaded the digital version of the book from Kindle Unlimited, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Who knew death could be so eclectic?

Relish this mesmerizing murder mystery mash-up of short stories.

Murder and mystery have been the staple of literature and films for years. This anthology of short stories will thrill and entertain you. Some will also make you laugh out loud. Others will stop and make you think.

Think of this murder mystery short story anthology as a book version of appetisers or starters, hors d’oeuvre, meze, or antipasti. It can be read as fillers between books or, as is the case in some countries, as a bookish meze – in its own right.

There’s murder mystery styles and locations to suit all tastes: detective fiction, serial killers, scifi, histfic, England, Los Angeles, San Francisco, The Great Lakes, Las Vegas, the Nevada desert, Mexico and more in an exquisite exposition of the art of short story telling.

These stories come from an international cast of authors; some with bestselling books, others are emerging or new talents. Their roots, cultures, and life experiences are as diverse as their writing styles.

But one thing binds them together: they know how to tell a story.

The ten authors who have contributed to the anthology are:

Stephen Bentley

Greg Alldredge

Kelly Artieri

Robbie Cheadle

Michael Spinelli

L. Lee Kane

Kay Castaneda

Aly Locatelli

Justin Bauer

Posthumously by ‘G’

The stories include the 2019 SIA Award-Winning Murder Mystery Short Story ‘The Rose Slayer’ by Stephen Bentley.

Each author introduces his or her stories and the theme that lays behind them. By the time you finish the book, you will agree the result is a mesmerising murder mystery mash-up.

Publication Date: August 2019

11 Responses

  1. You are such a star! Not only did you do a stellar job of organizing this blog tour, but you also took time out to craft a truly wonderful review. On top of all that, I know you have had some health issues. Thank you, Shalini, from the bottom of my heart ❤
    PS you are now safe from the 'Rose Slayer'! 🙂

    1. Thank you so much ❤️ I loved the book. It took me some time to read it in between my headache and fever.
      I think this tour has got the maximum retweet and shares. So happy that it was so successful 🎊💃💃🎊🎊

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