Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Giselle and Xpresso Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

With the book being a retelling of Wizard of Oz, I was quite excited to read it. The story remained the same. Dorothy and Toto wanted to go back home, and only the Wizard of Oz could help with that. But the rest of the book exploded

And oh my, it was indeed the land of all creatures where vampires and witches were running rampage on the land, barring a couple. Zombies were eating brains, shapeshifters were of all kinds, and magic prevailed with a few. Dorothy’s team extended to a friendly zombie, a sexy axeman, and a shapeshifter werelion. The adventure continued…

My first book by author Garten Gevedon, it was an action filled ride with plenty of fight scenes. The author’s imagination was at its peak with the twists in the story. Each creature added to the plot. Vampires were running amok. I couldn’t ever have thought of the things happening in this land.

Some parts of the book meandered with Dorothy’s thoughts. The humor and snarkiness brought it back on track. The friendship between the team soon emerged and became stronger as they fought the battle against witches and vampires.

Then came my biggest niggle, there was a lot of making out between Dorothy and the axeman, which was so not needed. Quite a shock to my system as I was completely blindsided. Well, I wanted only adventure and action.

I skim read the makeout sessions which came after every mini-adventure and enjoyed the action scenes, the magical shoes made it all the more exciting.

Overall, a fun read.

I received a free ARC from Giselle and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Shifters, Zombies, and Vampires? Oh my!

My name is Dorothy Gale, and I think I might be dead.

When my dog Toto and I got swept up in a twister, we landed in hell. A very colorful hell. Like a rainbow dripping in blood. Now it looks as though this dreadful underworld plagued with vampires, zombies, and shifters will be the site of my eternal damnation.

They say this terrifying land called Oz isn’t hell or purgatory, that escape is possible, but first I must survive the journey down the blood-soaked yellow brick road to the only place in Oz where vampires dare not tread—The City of Emeralds.

With enchanted footwear and the help of my three new friends—a friendly zombie, a massive shifter lion, and a heartless axe murderer of evil night creatures who also happens to be the hottest guy I’ve ever seen—Toto and I have a fighting chance to make it to the Vampire Free Zone. When we get there, I must convince the most powerful wizard in this magical land of monsters to send us out of this radiant nightmare and return us to the world of the living. They say he’s just as frightening as this monstrous land, that he detests visitors, and even the most horrifying creatures cower in his presence, but I must seek him out. And when I find him, I’ll do whatever it takes to make him send me home.

Publication Date: 11th October 2019

18 Responses

  1. This post reminded me that I haven’t read the original Wizard of Oz yet… lol
    Well, no thank you to the excessive make-out scenes, I’m totally on the same page as you on that one!

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