
Digital Reads Reviews

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I read a book, I read a different book

I read a book, I read a fantastic tale

I read a book, I read about the dreams

I read a book, I read about the nightmares

I read a book, I read about being pulled into a dream

I read a book, I read about sirens of horrors

I read a book, I read about a talented author

I read a book, I read a Nick Clausen story!!

Talented authors sometimes get lost in the millions who appear everyday and sometimes they get overlooked too. I was glad that I got the opportunity to read this book by a brilliant author, Nick Clausen.

There was something about the book which caught my attention from the beginning, you could call it the style of writing, the storytelling, the vivid imagination. I would call it a spark of brilliance, a spark which started from the depths of his brain as thoughts which translated into the words which captured me, I was all enthralled.

The story was simple. Louie dreamt, he saw his dead father in his dreams, a man in a blue suit, he spent time with him in Dreamland. Till things happened and Louie was shown that nothing was as it appeared. Things in Dreamland was what he wanted, as per his dreams, but were they real? He got to the truth, but it was too late…

The words used were simple, but the meaning behind them was powerful. Make no mistake, it was a fantastic thriller where the author could define dreams and nightmares in a horrific manner. One has to read it to really live through it. There were tingles of horror, but nothing that scared me. I am quite a scaredy-cat. My own shadow scares me at night.

At 160 pages, the book was a fast complete thrilling story. I couldn’t let go of it once I started. Ah, the mark of a good book.

And yes, I loved it!!

I downloaded a digital version of the book from Kindle Unlimited, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Have your dreams ever turned to nightmares? Do you read horror?

Some nightmares never end
In his sleep, Louie starts visiting a magical world where he meets his father, who died when Louie was still a baby. But nothing turns out to be what it seems, and great horrors loom very close by …

Welcome to Dreamland

A mysterious teen ghost story about fear and loss and losing yourself in dreams, Dreamland was originally published in Danish to great reviews, and is now available in English.

Publication Date: 19th March 2019

26 Responses

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