
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

I agreed that the book gave a Jack Reacher kinda vibe while reading it. It made me nostalgic for those initial books. Author John Ryder went a step further and gave me two larger than life characters Grant Fletcher and Zoey Quadrado.

Grant’s best friend Don’s daughter Lila was missing and Grant owed his life to Don. So he went in search for her in the town of Daversile. Zoey too was sent to investigate the case of missing girls. Both join forces and made this book a high octane thriller.

My first book by this author, the story was like a bullet fired from a gun. Absolutely fast paced with evil villains the story was a tough read at times. Both the main characters were hot and happening. They had their pulls and pushes in their temperament, but soon their work chemistry flowed smoothly.

Fletcher was more of a open book where I got to know his backstory. He was tough and vulnerable with a young daughter. Zoey was an enigma and that made her more exciting. Something to look forward to in the next book.

The writing was like a three dimensional action movie where the action scenes got me on an adrenaline high. All that was missing was popcorn to make it a perfect read.

Overall, a fun book which read like a thriller movie.

I received a ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

“When girls go missing here, no one says a word…”

Twenty-four-year-old Lila has disappeared without a trace. It’s the kind of case that ex-military loner Grant Fletcher would normally be happy to take on—if someone had the money to pay him. But this one he’s doing for free. This one’s personal.

Fletcher owes his life to Lila’s father, from that time in Afghanistan he’d like to forget. And Fletcher knows that returning Lila safe and sound is the only thing that matters to his wheelchair-bound friend.

She last called her father from a small town called Daversville, in rural Georgia. A place—Fletcher discovers as he checks into the only motel—where folks are proud to keep themselves to themselves, and almost all the business comes from the giant sawmill that looms large over the town.

Before he’s even started looking for Lila, Fletcher finds trouble. And discovers that his friend’s daughter wasn’t the first girl to go missing in Daversville. Not the first by far.

Then the last person to have seen Lila before she disappeared is murdered. With Fletcher on the scene when her body is found, he becomes the local deputy’s only suspect, leaving him no choice but to go on the run. Because he knows someone’s abducting girls in this town. And he also knows he’s the only one who can find them…

7 Responses

  1. An interesting book review and blurb Shalini. You’ve never slowed down reading rhythm in lockdown, making it commendable. Keep writing, yo!

  2. I’m behind and will be reading this one soon, I’ll be sure to make popcorn before I start 😉

    1. Hahaha I too am so behind in my comments, blog hop. The cyclone made the internet wonky and extremely slow. Today it seems better

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