Digital Reads Reviews

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I cannot write about James the author, his talent is far beyond my limited vocabulary. But I can definitely write about Jay, my best friend. He is the kindest person I know, very understanding and gracious. To this date, there has never been the time when I have needed him, and he has not been there.

I have learnt to be kind and helpful from him. Though most days I am not, and he knows it and accepts it, understanding where I come from. My heart fills with love, when I think of him. I think I can fill pages just writing about him. He knows what I feel for him.

Jay, a friend and writer extraordinaire

From my mouth to God’s ear

Success in all your endeavors…

From my heart to yours

Always and forever...


Murder mystery and I have a close relationship. I love this genre and it loves me back. Who can ever forget Sherlock Holmes?!! (Who can ever forget Benedict Cumberbatch, yumm)

Kellan strikes again, his days of sleuthing has become frequent, much to the ire of our lovely sheriff April and my personal favorite Myriam. This time Myriam’s wife Ursula needs help, and Kellan has been given the responsibility to find the stalker. But instead, he finds a dead body at the masquerade ball, and onward and forward he goes to get to the killer.

In the recent times, there is nobody as brilliant as author James Cudney in writing plot lines. His stories always have layers of subplots in them. He is quite a ringmaster who can guide us readers perfectly in the direction he wants us to go, I didn’t even realize that I was being tricked. I kept suspecting the wrong people. Ugghhh!!

In this book too, James has placed the red herrings at such perfect points that I went flying down the maze and soon got lost in the wonders of the convoluted story. By midway, I had written everyone’s name in the Suspect List except the murderer. Sheesh!! Talk about a sleight of hand, I couldn’t see the author’s till the very end. And it left me shocked!!

I liked the main character Kellan in this story more than the previous 2, he was confident and self-assured. In spite of a dubious married life, Kellan managed to have a great relationship with everyone, especially his daughter Emma, his grandma Nana D, and his sister Eleanor.

The entire book took me three hours to complete, and it was nothing but pure fun. After reading the story, I am left with a single thought.

James Cudney is a magician whose words and plots on paper are like those card tricks that nobody can guess.

And yes, I loved the book!!

I downloaded the digital version of the book from Kindle Unlimited, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

Reviews of Jay’s books

Watching Glass Shatter

Father Figure

Academic Curveball

Broken Heart Attack

All my reviews can be found here

Have you read any of his books? Which one is your favorite?

Who doesn’t know my first and my best friend, James J Cudney the fourth prince of the secret land of This is my Truth Now

Check out his blog, check out his reviews, and most importantly check out his NEW BOOK!!

At a masquerade ball to raise money for renovations to Memorial Library, Kellan finds a dead body dressed in a Dr. Evil costume.

Did one of Maggie’s sisters kill the annoying guest who’d been staying at the Roarke and Daughters Inn, or does the victim have a closer connection to someone else at Braxton College?

As Kellan helps school president Ursula bury a secret from her past and discover the identity of her stalker, he unexpectedly encounters a missing member of his family. Everything seems to trace back to the Stoddards: a new family who recently moved in.

Between the murder, a special flower exhibit and strange postcards arriving each week, Kellan can’t decide which mystery in his life should take priority. But unfortunately, the biggest one of all has yet to be exposed – and when it is, Kellan won’t know what hit him.

Publication Date: 30th March 2019

Publisher: Creativia

41 Responses

  1. Ahhh. How sweet. Another lovely review, Shalini! Good friends are hard to find in this messed up world. Hope your friendship with Jay lasts a lifetime. 🙂 I’ve only read Academic Curveball so far, but I think i have some of his other books on my kindle. I wish I had more time to read. Sigh…will have to remind myself to look for them. 🙂

    1. She was not difficult. The world didn’t get her, especially the author James Cudney. She has a heart of pure sarcastic gold 😂😂

  2. Wonderful review and you certainly do not have a limited vocabulary! I love some of the words you use I should write them down and use them myself!
    Seriously the only other language I can sort of speak is Spanish and if I wrote anything in Spanish it would look like a preschooler did it!

    1. Thanks Jacquie, I came into blogging world by chance. And I knew nothing Jay was patient and kind and made time. I will never forget that kindness. It was like a balm over my soul which had been hurt by racist comments on Facebook… He really showed me what being humane was

  3. This is so fab! I’m not a real fan of murder mystery, but I think this would be among the exceptions. Can’t wait to read it.

    And I hope your friendship with Jay lasts forever!

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