Digital Reads Reviews

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Generally, I know how to review my thrillers. But I am finding it very difficult to review this book. The plot didn’t follow a direct path for me to have my thoughts pinned down in a crystal clear manner. I will try…

Leo is a clinical psychologist for children and adolescents. She gets a referral from a lawyer for a child custody case, meets the child once, and gives in her report. But the child’s father asks her out. She is initially conflicted, then repelled by his advances, and she realizes there is something more afoot. Hence, she investigates.

Debut by Mary Stein Myers, the book was a complete thriller-y ride with gore and murders. A bike accident, a home intrusion, fracture of the arm of the child, fear of the mother, incarceration of the boyfriend caused Leo to look harder at that family. I liked Leo in some ways. She was dynamic, she didn’t back down. The entire story rested on her. She tried to keep her friends safe, she was intelligent enough to find the clues and to know the limitations of the cops. She was street-smart in some ways.

There were a few things which niggled me. Leo was initially working with the attractive lawyer who referred the case to her when all of a sudden she became a lone ranger. Her reasons for her actions were not made clear. For me, her character was not well developed, though there were hints of a hurtful past. But I wanted something more from her to connect emotionally with. Police investigation was shown shoddy. Forensics missed a a pillow cover of fetal bones kept on the bed where the victim was killed, which our main character found. Is that possible in USA? I didn’t even understand the motives or the actions of the villain. I felt everything which says thriller was crammed into the story.

The one thing that put me off totally was the number of expletives used in the book by Leo. When there was a sense of urgency to be shown in the scene, the word fucking was used in every sentence, practically after every two words. At one point, there were more than 10 in a couple of paragraphs. I stopped counting after 10. I use expletives in real life, more than necessary, but this book went a bit further than what I felt was needed. Urgency could have been shown in action and expression.

Overall, a fun but a confusing read, for me.

I downloaded a digital copy of the book from Kindle Unlimited, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!!

All my reviews can be found here

Mary Stein Myers is a Michigan native who is promoting her debut novel, He Wrote In Red, and writing on additional books in the series.



Leocadia Calloway is a clinical psychologist who is devoted to her job, even when it puts her in the crosshairs of a violent psychopath.

When Leocadia is asked to offer her expertise on a civil custody dispute, the case seems like a painfully familiar story of a child caught in the middle of two feuding parents and claims of abuse. Even after meeting with the odd mother and frightened child, nothing about their story seems unusual.

But when she’s violently attacked by an unknown man on her way home, everything changes. As she finally understands the message given to her, she realizes that it all ties back to the child in the custody case she was asked to consult on. If the message is true, the child’s life could be at stake. Not wanting another death on her conscience, she chases the questions of the mysterious circumstances surrounding the case in order to find the truth and save him from death.

But someone else close with the case is watching her. Someone who’s a dangerous psychopath and will do anything to keep the truth hidden. By the time she understands that the stakes include her life and the lives of her loved ones, it’s too late to go back.

Publication Date: 26th March 2019

Publisher: Upstairs Basement Publishing House

Book link:

32 Responses

    1. The story was good but I couldn’t get it… The same word in every sentence sometimes in a sentence felt like a cop-out for me.

    1. Exactly, I got it that it was a matter of emergency but both the people in the conversation just kept saying the word.
      She says – You f**king don’t realize you fucking are in danger so you fucking have to leave. He says – I fucking know that, I fucking won’t leave….
      I was done by that

  1. I don’t mind swearing in books, but that many over a couple of paragraphs is too much. Like Rosie said, if used too much, the impact is lost.

  2. Your review is wonderful, the book sounds bizarre at best. I’m not sure this would be one that I could tolerate – not the gore but your “niggles.” Those types of things are generally dnf points for me. And no, a pillowcase of fetal bones on a bed would not be overlooked by forensics.

    1. Exactly, there were a lot of things that only the protagonist found and not the others… The expletives did my head in. I use them too.. But never so many… And she was a doc 🤦‍♀️

    1. Huhh….. 😂 😂 😂 You f**king don’t mind if there are f**king so many f**king words as long as they f**king make sense to you? Are you f**king kidding me? 😂😂😂Beat this

    1. Thank you. This book at times had the word after every two words so I was feeling f**ked and wondered what I was reading… 😂 😂

  3. Hmmm, definitely does not sound like a book for me. First I am not big on too many and random expletives, not do I like gratuitous violence. Glad it had some redeeming qualities for you Shalini.

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