
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Bookouture for my spot on this Blog Tour.

I had always thought that author Kerry Watts wrote a police procedural with a heart. But this book was more than that. It was brilliant, a complete thriller, which compelled me to read the book from beginning to end in a single sitting.

Never had I read a book so fast in this year. Two sets of murders one which occurred in 1990 and the other in the present time where all the victims were an elderly couple. Detective Jessie was called to investigate with her partner Dylan.

My third book by this author, and this was my absolute favorite. I found my heart pounding, my brain telling me to read faster and faster until all that remained was my race to the end. This was fast paced, gave me a swift adrenaline kick. The words chosen knew how to evoke the right emotion.

The story not only had the investigation, it brought Jessie’s past life hurtling down like a bag of coal where her abusive husband was back. I liked the intense need I had to know about that mini-story. The writing was so different from the rest of her books, a good different. The way the author linked all her subplots were great to read.

The characters were varied, and each felt as if they were hiding something from me. I was stuck to my kindle; I don’t think I looked up even for a moment. Nothing could distract me from this book. It was like opening a surprise gift and loving what was in it. Fantastic breakfast read, the best way to break a reading slump.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Jean Angus pours the last of the lukewarm tea into her chipped cup, shivering as she looks outside into the dark night. Her eyes are drawn to a slow movement not far from her cosy farmhouse. She’s not expecting visitors. And as the back door opens with a bang, she doesn’t even have time to shout for help.

On a dark winter night, the bodies of Malcolm and Jean Angus lie cold and still in a pool of blood in their kitchen. Detective Jessie Blake is called in to find out what happened to the reclusive pair.

Searching the couple’s property, Jessie learns about a vicious dispute with a nearby landowner, Rachel Ferguson, and when Jessie looks into Rachel further, she doesn’t expect what comes up. Rachel isn’t the person everyone thinks she is and a previous murder conviction just made her Jessie’s prime suspect.

The small Perthshire town begins to gossip about the double murder and Jessie’s own past comes back to haunt her when her abusive ex-husband begins to interfere in her new life. As the town starts a witch hunt against Rachel, Jessie is under pressure to find out what really happened in the farmhouse that night. Because if it isn’t Rachel, then who is the murderer living among them, waiting to kill again?

Publication Date: January 2020

10 Responses

  1. Wow, that is quite a recommendation Shalini. Wonderful review. I never get approved on Netgalley for Bookouture, so I will have to see if it is on KU.

  2. YAY! Super review and you definitely got me. I’ll be looking for it–me and Bookouture are tight (fingers crossed behind my back). Sounds like one heck of a thriller-police procedural. And you know I love both.

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