
Digital Reads Reviews

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Oh my freak!! What was this book which kept me confused all through?! I kept twirling all around to get to the truth.

Maya had a great relationship with her father Steven with very few memories of her mother. Until Amy showed up. She was her father’s new girlfriend but a doppelganger of her mother. She even sang the same lullaby. Steven’s colleague Theresa had her own crush on him.

Told in dual POV of Maya and Theresa, I got completely twisted around by the author’s words. I really didn’t know whom or what to believe. Add to that, the other townsfolk added their own information to the past of Maya’s mother.

The author Wendy Clarke was a wizard who kept moving the secret farther as soon as I came close to discovering it. I turned the pages faster and faster and faster. Come on… Tell me now… But the clever minx kept me waiting till the last few pages to disclose the truth.

And it was explosive, like standing at the edge of the cliff, waiting for a freefall to happen. What a rush!!


Rating: 5 out of 5.


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Everyone in town said it was a mercy that she remembered so little. But there are some things Maya has never forgotten: that her mother was beautiful and kind, and she loved Maya very much. It’s what her father Stephen always tells her, about his perfect wife.

Years later, Maya still lives with her father in their cliffside home. Thankful for all the sacrifices he has made for her, she never pushes to find out what happened the night he lost the woman he loved. Even when she hears the whispers in town about him, and what they say he’s done.

But then Stephen introduces Maya to his new girlfriend Amy, and Maya starts to feel uneasy. With her soft dark hair and big blue eyes, Amy looks just like Maya’s mother. The more time they spend together the more Maya notices just how similar they are. And the tune Amy hums whilst cleaning the dishes is the same lullaby Maya’s mother sang to her when she was a little girl…


Publication Date: February 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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