
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Aria for my spot on this Blog Tour.

They had no idea what was coming next…

The killer’s words had me all jittery with eagerness at what was awaiting me just round the corner. Author Jane Isaac’s new book with a missing child found 15 years later entombed in a slab of concrete stopped my heart at the imagery.

Beth Chamberlain, the family liason, was empathetic, yet had the core of steel running through her. She was back, and she made the book appear brighter and suspenseful.

Beth along with her partner and boss Nick was meticulous in her work and caring with her emotions. The story dealt with the child’s case along with another mystery from the earlier books. This was at a slightly slower pace as it was a cold case. The book could have concentrated on only one case. It would made it more interesting as a lost child was an intriguing arc.

Having read most books by this author, I loved the format in which she wrote where I got to know points of investigation, the family’s thoughts, and in this, the perpetrator’s. The story had some gentle twists. All that made the book into a fun read.

Overall, I enjoyed my breakfast read at a sedate pace.

I received a ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Someone stole a baby…

One sunny day in July, someone took three-month-old Alicia Owen from her pram outside a supermarket. Her mother, Marie, was inside. No one saw who took Alicia. And no one could find her.

They silenced her cry…

Fifteen years later, a teenager on a construction site sees a tiny hand in the ground. When the police investigate, they find a baby buried and preserved in concrete. Could it be Alicia?

But the truth will always out.

When Alicia disappeared, the papers accused Marie of detachment and neglect. The Owens never got over the grief of their child’s disappearance and divorced not long after. By reopening the case, DC Beth Chamberlain must reopen old wounds. But the killer may be closer than anyone ever suspected…

Publication Date: July 2020

11 Responses

  1. Yes, Shalini, I can see how this book would be worth reading; it’s just that I cannot bear to read (or watch) anything that involves a child suffering. i have tried – can’t do it.

    1. I understand. It is a difficult trope to read. I like this because the author has to write the book at a fast pace as there is always a race against time to save the child. Hence I know that I would get a fast thriller. That’s why I probably read them.

  2. I have to ask, you read the entire book over breakfast? I am always amazed by how fast you fly through books. This sounds great though it seems it would have been an even better read if the focus was on one mystery. Great review!

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