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Quite a different read from my norm where Kit Kidding, an Instagram influencer, who loved her child free life and had her insta grids around that concept, suddenly found herself fiercely attracted to Will, a chef.
Until she got to know that he was single dad. That put her in a dilemma… What would she do?
My first book by this author, I quite liked Kit’s way of life and the way the author etched her character.
She seemed flighty, always on instagram, but on getting to know her, I realized that she had depths that she herself was unaware of. I liked how she took me on a ride with the stroke of the author’s pen.
The book felt to be a romcom, but if you looked loosely, there were love and poignancy seeping in the hidden corners of the book.
Beautifully etched characters, I completely sided with Kit here as she decided to live her life on her terms, as every woman should.
I liked how the author put forth women’s choice so succinctly in a fictional tale. Many of the lines resonated with me.
I am both childless and child free. A botched heart surgery or two or three…so far three…had a few repercussions.
I am not barren, got checked, but pregnancy would put my life at risk. Wouldn’t be fair to my child, so I am child free. Such is life, filled with pain, yet I live in hope.
Rating: 4 out of 5.BOOK LINKS
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In this #funny, #wise, #emotionally compelling look at modern love and finding your true path, a proudly kid-free influencer meets the ultimate #dealbreaker . . .
It’s the influencer’s golden rule: know your niche. Kit Kidding has found hers on Instagram, where she gets paid to promote brands and share expertly curated posts about her fun, fabulous, child-free life. Kit likes kids just fine, but she passionately believes that women who choose not to become mothers shouldn’t have to face guilt. Or judgement. Or really hot chefs who turn out to be single dads.
Will MacGregor is aggravating, sexy, persistent, averse to social media, and definitely a bad idea. As soon as Kit learns his parenting status, she vows to put their scorching one-night stand behind her and move on.
But Will and Kit are thrown together on an Instagram campaign, and the more time she spends with him—and his whip-smart, eight-year-old daughter, Addie—the more difficult it is to stay away, much less sustain what Will so cleverly calls her “Resting Beach Face.”
Kit’s picture-perfect career path is suddenly clashing with the possibility of a different future—messy, complicated, and real.
Which life does she truly want? Will she have to re-invent herself? And will love still be waiting by the time she figures it out?
Publication Date: June 2021
I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be found here.

3 Responses
I love it when I can so thoroughly relate to a story. Excellent review, my precious Shalini!
Being childless in an overpopulated world should not be a source of frustration. I’ve on several occasions already propagated the thought that China’s one child policy should be enforced worldwide. Yes, on short term it would lead to an aging population, but on the long term it would reduce lots of issues we’re struggling with: illiterate people, hunger, pollution, …
I am sorry you have had so many physical problems, but thankful that you have your reading and can share your perspectives on your blog. Good review, Shalini.