
Digital Reads Reviews

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A fantastic, fast-paced, action filled, magical book that kept me glued to my book as author Jennifer Estep (one of my favorite authors) brought layers into the plotline.

Murder and treachery paved the way as Lady Everleigh, an orphan, found herself right in the midst of it when the princess killed the Queen mother. And her life transformed to one she never imagined.

Strength wrapped her and steel emerged in her core as she joined the gladiators and learned to fight. The need to get vengeance made me read the book at one go.

Magic with elements, shapeshifters, loyals and last winter queen made the plot rise up in its pitch. Evie was beautifully etched by the author as she rose up to face the challenge.

The book raised its excitement as the final battle for the crown rage Don, making my pulse skitter and scramble, trying to keep up. I so love such books.

Romance was in the sidelines, and I was so glad about it. I wanted to read only about the journey of a kickass heroine as she fought for justice for all.

A brilliant way to spend my Sunday.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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In a realm where one’s magical power determines one’s worth, Lady Everleigh’s lack of obvious ability relegates her to the shadows of the royal court of Bellona, a kingdom steeped in gladiator tradition. Seventeenth in line for the throne, Evie is nothing more than a ceremonial fixture, overlooked and mostly forgotten.

But dark forces are at work inside the palace. When her cousin Vasilia, the crown princess, assassinates her mother the queen and takes the throne by force, Evie is also attacked, along with the rest of the royal family. Luckily for Evie, her secret immunity to magic helps her escape the massacre.

Forced into hiding to survive, she falls in with a gladiator troupe. Though they use their talents to entertain and amuse the masses, the gladiators are actually highly trained warriors skilled in the art of war, especially Lucas Sullivan, a powerful magier with secrets of his own. Uncertain of her future—or if she even has one—Evie begins training with the troupe until she can decide her next move.

But as the bloodthirsty Vasilia exerts her power, pushing Bellona to the brink of war, Evie’s fate becomes clear: she must become a fearsome gladiator herself . . . and kill the queen.


Publication Date: 2018

I downloaded the digital version of the book from an online retail, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

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