Many thanks to Rachel and Rachel’s Random Resources for my spot on this Blog Tour.
A fun twisted domestic thriller where the plot lines were kept just at the right side of suspense. Author Mandy Jameson delightfully then weaved all those scenes together, releasing a wicked reveal at the right moments. But she came up with a whopper on the last page. Shot my heart with the thrill of it. Yes she did.
Harry the louse left Julia and son Mattie after 17 years of marriage. Julia could barely cope up, her friends and their husband’s helped. Then came the computer Fixit Brendan Baker who tiled the scales. The friends found themselves set aside and Julia too started to feel trapped. But Brendan had too strong a hold. Best friend Caroline started her investigation. As per the norm, can opened, worms crawled.
My first book by the author, I was swiftly pulled in by the story which was written in a different format. Each of the characters provided me statements of their lives, rather Julia’s life, to help me understand their POV. It was to the author’s credit that I was never left confused. I was soon deeply entrenched in Julia’s life.
I had guessed some of the truths, but the rest sideswiped me and left me with just a thought. Whoa… What just happened? The author could pull the rug from under by feet easily. And what a way to fall by knowing those delicious secrets that these characters were trying their best to hide.
A fun BREAKFAST read. I was so happy to come back to reading. At last.
I received a free ARC from Rachel and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.
All my reviews can be read here
A tense thriller about relationships and long-held secrets that break out with potentially devastating results.
Despite the misgivings of her friends, a newly single mother becomes involved with an unattached man she meets by chance. Both are concealing traumatic events from years before but – as the present starts to unravel – the truth emerges: their past lives are inextricably linked.
Twists, turns and plenty of intrigue to keep readers guessing to the very end.
Publication Date: April 2020
7 Responses
Great review 🌞
Thank you so much ❤️ how are you doing in this crisis?
Great review! This book sounds intriguing. I love stories with unexpected twist and turns. 🙂
Thank you so much ❤️ I just found your comment in spam
Yay – I’m glad it brought you out of your funk!
I am trying to read a bit more of fiction than the non fiction news article about you-know-who
Thank you so much. Sorry for delayed reply I just found the comment in spam