Digital Reads Reviews

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Digital Reads Blog Tours proudly presents author Marjorie Mallon’s new book – LOCKDOWN INNIT


A cute collection of poems where some like a little library made me long for one. Danger to the pedestrians reminded me why I don’t go out. Some people are just rude and have no civic sense. Road rage is another one that is so relevant. I remembered being the brunt of one.

Author Marjorie Mallon’s keen sense of observation came to play in the way the poems were penned. Different emotions like fear, anger, longing, desire, humor were evoked while reading them. I am not a connoisseur of poems as I feel they are too personal to be judged or rated. But these were easy to understand.

The words also showed how people behaved during these tough times. It is the truth that some have still not learned after losing so many lives across the world. Many in the book were hard-hitting, some were humorous, and the best ones were, where the spoke of her love for her daughters through her words. Hope sailed through in them.

Then the author sneaked in a wispy one longing to be like the cat, dreaming peacefully of normal times. A perfect way to end the book.

All in all, at 35+ pages, the poems were eclectic and would touch everyone who has survived this pandemic.


Rating: 4 out of 5.


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Lockdown Innit is a poetry collection of eighteen poems about life’s absurdities and frustrations during lockdown. Wherever you live in this world, this is for you.

Expect humour, a dollop of banter and ridiculous rants here and there. Amongst other delights, witness the strange antics of a swan posing by a bin and two statuesque horses appearing like arc deco pieces in a field.

Check out the violin player on a tightrope, or the cheeky unmentionables wafting in the lockdown breeze!


Publication Date: February 2021

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, and this is my journey down its pages, straight from the heart. STRICTLY HONEST and UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be found here.

15 Responses

    1. You are most welcome Marje. Your love for your daughters is just like my mother’s love for me. I was so happy and glad I was in lockdown with my parents. I realized how precious they are

      1. Ah, that is so lovely. <3 Yes, this terrible experience has made us value our family so much. I am very close to my daughters, hubby and to my family. I miss my mum and dad so much, they live up in Scotland and i haven't seen them for months. My youngest daughter's return to Manchester was a tearful affair and my eldest is still here with us until the end of March. Our bond has grown so much deeper.

  1. I wouldn’t have expected a book of poems on the lockdown to be enjoyable, but it sounds like the author struck just the right chord with this one.

    1. It is a wonder Linda that the basic psyche of the people does not change even in a catastrophe. Their inner evil comes out not their goodness.

    2. I tried to make the tone quite light (the last thing we need is anything too heavy at the moment.) There are some silly ones. It’s a mixture, some serious, some about family, things I’ve observed, places I’ve been. There’s even one about hanging the washing out! Lol.

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