
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to Kelly and Love Books Tours for my spot on this Blog Tour.

A fun sweet book filled with recipes of baked goods that filled me with love at first sight. I looked at the cover and fell in love. Author Effie Kammenou had written some delightful characters with quirky relatives set in a Greek family with a mystery or two in the past.

Kally had been hurt before, hence she was wary of love. Entered Max along with his daughter Athena, and slowly the ice around her heart started thawing.

My first book by this author, I loved the romance which swirled between the two from the first sight. Kally was endearing and an exquisite baker. Her cupcakes had me salivating, and I don’t even like cakes. Max was the perfect counterfoil for her.

The writing was smooth where the scenes flowed into the next. The past was also shown which added a bit of intrigue and mystery. One of my favorite characters was the grandma. She made giggle with her one-liners.

The book needed more sex. So said the grandma in her Book Club. When the others gasped, she added, I might look old, but the fire still burns.

With such dialogues, I couldn’t help but read the book at one go. An easy-breezy humorous read with likable characters and delicious recipes. A great way to spend the Sunday evening.

I received a free ARC from Kelly and the author, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

The only love Kally Andarakis is baking is in the form of the sweet treats she whips up in her café, The Coffee Klatch.

Kally never believed herself to be a person worthy of love, but when an intoxicating man she considered out of her league pursues her, she risks everything to be with him. Later, when tragedy strikes, truths are revealed that leave Kally brokenhearted and untrusting.

Eight years later, Kally is a successful pastry chef running the café she’d always dreamed of owning. With a home of her own, a profession she’s passionate about, and the support and love of friends and family, Kally is content with the life she has carved out for herself.

Until the day Max Vardaxis walks into her café…

With arguing parents, meddling relatives, an overly energetic grandmother, a man-crazy best friend, and the long ago, mysterious disappearance of a grandfather, this new man in town is just one more complication in Kally’s life, if not the main one.

Kally must now decide whether to keep her heart safe or to once again take a ‘whisk on love.’

Publication Date: April 2020

14 Responses

    1. Thank you so much Toni, with the recipes, it was bad for diet too. Luckily I wasn’t in one. I just read and laughed and forgot about the cupcakes.

    1. Hahaha I stopped diets long, long back. Now I have balanced meal with cheat days when I really long for something sweet.

  1. A romance, recipes, food and that title….. I will be adding this one for sure. The humor sounds like what I enjoy to get me chuckling as well. Great review Shalini.

  2. Gosh, my mom thinks so too. Lol Now i in the eleventh month of loosing near 30 kg of weight. Feeling like new born. Ready for flying without any plane. Lol
    But a very good review, and i book i will put on my TBR, as a warning sign too. 😉 Michael

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