
Digital Reads Reviews

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Many thanks to publisher Boldwood Books for my spot on this Blog Tour.

Author Jessica Redland is amazing. She not only can make me see emotions in the story, she can make me feel them too. This book was like a giant teddy bear, hugging me warmly on a cold Sunday evening.

Callie worked in a care home where Ruby was her favorite. She had a tough life. Her boyfriend turned out to be a louse and a troublemaker, her boss was a She-Devil, and her best friend was sleeping with the boyfriend. Ugghh.. Bad day all around. Entered Rhys who brought light and love to her life, but he came with his own past too. Callie wanted to help Ruby who had lost the love of her life many decades ago.

Having read many books by this author, I knew I was in for an emotive read. I loved the way she etched her characters so tenderly, with love. (I often felt her characters were based on her. Jessica too is sweet in real life) I loved the dips that this book took and the way the characters found their way out. Romance was seen, but it was friendship and love which took root in this book. They anchored me and made me read it at one go.

Ruby and her friend Iris were interesting, Jessica’s writing made them come alive. There were hilarious moments but filled with poignancy too. The only niggle I had was Callie was too good even when the person in front wanted her to stop calling her. I wished she had respected the other person’s wishes. But her living heart and caring nature saved many too.

The book was written as two novellas, but having not read them, it was easy for me to get into this. Absolutely a fun read.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley and publisher, and this is my journey into its pages, straight from the heart!! STRICTLY HONEST AND UNBIASED.

All my reviews can be read here

Never give up on a wish for a happy ever after…
Callie Derbyshire has it all: her dream job as a carer at Bay View, finally she has found the love of her life. Everything is perfect.

Well, almost.

Ex-partners are insistent on stirring up trouble, and Callie’s favourite resident, Ruby, hasn’t been her usual self.

But after discovering the truth about Ruby’s lost love, Callie is determined to give Ruby’s romantic story the happy ending it deserves. After all, it’s never too late to let love in again. Or is it?

Publication Date: January 2020

15 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for being on the blog tour for ‘Making Wishes at Bay View’. So glad you enjoyed it, particularly the friendships. There’s always a romance in my books, as you know from the ones you’ve read, but my theme is always about friendships. So glad you felt that and that the book gave you a giant teddy bear hug. Given my adoration for teddy bears, that’s such a huge compliment!
    Thank you again. You’re an absolute star xx

    1. Aw, thanks Empress DJ. Hope you’re doing ok. If I remember correctly, you read them in a different order but still loved them which makes me very happy. Sorry I can’t ‘like’ your comment. I have no idea what’s going on with my gravatar at the moment. It’s making me enter my details every time I comment on anyone’s blog and only let’s me ‘like’ once in about ten attempts. Weird! x

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Shalini. You’re so good to me xx
    Jessica (and Shalini) – there should be a NetGalley release coming out very soon from Boldwood Books for my next 3 books which are the follow-on from this one, plus Blog Tours, although we’re talking Feb and March for these so it sounds like you’re already full to bursting with fabulous reading treats xx

Awesome to see you here. Let's chat.

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